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House of the Dead III PS3

House of the Dead III

Defy the undead with shotgun in hand as you explore a post-apocalyptic wasteland of unrelenting terror in The House of the Dead III. Fans of the series will thrill to an abundance of 3D gore, time-sensitive gameplay, and a wide variety of branching paths. Gamers take out wave after wave of horrific zombies as they travel different routes and advance the story line, uncovering new secrets and hidden areas along the way. The all-new shotgun comes in handy when surrounded by an army of undead. Players must use it wisely to take out multiple enemies in a single blast as they plow their way through the most exhilarating nightmare yet.
  • US February 14, 2012
  • EU N/A
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 3 icon

Developer: WOW Entertainment
Publisher: Sega
No trailers available. Sad times.
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