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Guitar Hero: Aerosmith PS3

Guitar Hero: Aerosmith

Guitar Hero: Aerosmith puts players in the shoes of Perry (guitar), Whitford (guitar) and Hamilton (bass)as they rock out alongside frontman Tyler and drummer Kramer. Gamers experience Aerosmith's legendary career, from their first gig to becoming rock royalty.

As players progress through the game, they can rock out to scores of Aerosmith's greatest hits, as well as songs from celebrated artists that the band has either performed with or has been inspired by in some way. Venues from historical moments during the band's illustrious career offer the experience of "sweet emotion" and further capture the essence of the band’s rise to fame.
  • US June 29, 2008
  • EU June 26, 2008
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 3 icon

Developer: Neversoft
Publisher: Activision
No trailers available. Sad times.
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