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Genkai Totsuki Moero Chronicle Vita

Genkai Totsuki Moero Chronicle

Moero Chronicle is Compile Heart's Dungeon RPG follow-up to Genkai Toki Monster Monpiece - including Compile Heart's risque description of a "rubbing, pinching, panty-wearing RPG."

The story follows Io, a young boy troubled by his profane and arguably perverted thoughts - creating a lot of difficulty when it comes to talking with girls. His relationship with his confedant and only real friend, a monster girl, creates some tension when the world starts experiencing natural disasaters and hostility from the other monster girls!

With rumors of a "Legendary Monster Girl" bent on world destruction starts to circulate, mankind is forced to take a stand. Io must now investiage the origins of the occuring phenomenons, taking his childhood monster girl friend along with him on his adventure into the world of monsters.
  • US N/A
  • EU N/A
  • JP May 15, 2014
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Platform: PlayStation Vita icon

Developer: Compile Heart
Publisher: Compile Heart
No trailers available. Sad times.
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