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When the Seagulls Cry - Alliance of the Golden Witch PS3

When the Seagulls Cry - Alliance of the Golden Witch

Eighteen people from the Ushiromiya family stepped on the island, none of them escaped alive. Are the murders committed by the golden witch Beatrice, a greedy heir/heiress, or is everything just a nightmare?

The PlayStation3™ version contains the first 4 episodes of the PC version. Although the game uses stills most of the time, characters are captured in a vast array of postures - Beatrice alone, has more than 500 graphics. The dialogues are fully voiced, listen to the blood curdling screams and eerie whispers.

This is an adventure novel, meaning players don't get to choose routes, but will be forced through all of the scenarios, watching the characters die again and again until either Beatrice wins through magic, or Battler wins through logic. This is a game for all horror fans with a good level of Japanese understanding and a strong stomach.
  • US N/A
  • EU N/A
  • JP December 16, 2010
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Platform: PlayStation 3 icon

Developer: 07th Expansion
Publisher: Alchemist
  • 10 Trophy bronze icon
  • 11 Trophy silver icon
  • 6 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
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Episode1 お茶会
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Episode2 お茶会
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Episode2 裏お茶会
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Episode3 お茶会
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Episode3 裏お茶会
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Episode4 お茶会
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Episode4 裏お茶会
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Adjustment pixel とある力の積み重ね: プレイ時間が50時間を超える。 しかし157680時間には到底及ばない。
Adjustment pixel クリック回数がこんなにおおいわけがない: メッセージ送りが30000回を超える。 金蔵さんならやりかねませんな。
Adjustment pixel 楼座無双: 黄金の夢を「うをおおおおおおおおおおオオオォオオオォオッ!!!」と見せてもらう。
Adjustment pixel 黄金の魔女の伝説: Episode1を最後まで読む。
Adjustment pixel 黄金の魔女の手番: Episode2を最後まで読む。
Adjustment pixel 黄金の魔女の宴: Episode3を最後まで読む。
Adjustment pixel 黄金の魔女の同盟: Episode4を最後まで読む。
Adjustment pixel CGハンター: Picture Boxの達成率が100%になる。 隠された扉はプラチナの称号を得たときに開かれるだろう……。
Adjustment pixel Musicハンター: Music Boxの達成率が100%になる。
45 players