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Warhammer 40,000: Deathwatch PS4

Warhammer 40,000: Deathwatch

Warhammer 40,000: Deathwatch is a turn-based strategy game, set on the edge of Imperial space, where your Space Marines will take on the Tyranids in a series of tactical engagements.
  • US February 21, 2017
  • EU February 24, 2017
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon

Developer: Rodeo Games
Publisher: Rodeo Games
  • 16 Trophy bronze icon
  • 19 Trophy silver icon
  • 2 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
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The Emperor's Glory
Adjustment pixel The Emperor's Glory: Earn all trophies
Prime Helix
Adjustment pixel Prime Helix: Complete a mission on Heroic difficulty without a Space Marine being killed
Logis Maximus
Adjustment pixel Logis Maximus: Complete a mission on Veteran or Heroic difficulty without a Space Marine taking damage
Chapter Master
Adjustment pixel Chapter Master: Collect everything in the Codex
Emperor's Finest
Adjustment pixel Emperor's Finest: Collect all Space Marines
Omnissiah's Chosen
Adjustment pixel Omnissiah's Chosen: Collect all non-Weapon Wargear
Master of Relics
Adjustment pixel Master of Relics: Collect all Weapons
Brothers of Macragge
Adjustment pixel Brothers of Macragge: Collect all Ultramarines' Space Marines and Wargear
Brothers of Baal
Adjustment pixel Brothers of Baal: Collect all Blood Angels' Space Marines and Wargear
Brothers of Fenris
Adjustment pixel Brothers of Fenris: Collect all Space Wolves' Space Marines and Wargear
Altar of Knowledge
Adjustment pixel Altar of Knowledge: Collect all Miscellaneous Wargear
Lord of the Storm
Adjustment pixel Lord of the Storm: Collect all Shields
Sanctus Imperialis
Adjustment pixel Sanctus Imperialis: Collect all Purity Seals
Adjustment pixel Grenadier: Collect all Grenades
Magos Gryphonne
Adjustment pixel Magos Gryphonne: Collect all Lascannons
Master of Devastation
Adjustment pixel Master of Devastation: Collect all Missile Launchers
Adjustment pixel Vanguardians: Collect all Melee Weapons
Omnissiah's Cache
Adjustment pixel Omnissiah's Cache: Collect all Grav Guns
Breath of Baal
Adjustment pixel Breath of Baal: Collect all Melta Weapons
Blessing of Vulkan
Adjustment pixel Blessing of Vulkan: Collect all Flame Weapons
Eternium Plasma
Adjustment pixel Eternium Plasma: Collect all Plasma Weapons
Adjustment pixel Sternguardian: Collect all Bolt Weapons
Sun Watch
Adjustment pixel Sun Watch: Complete 'Longest Day' without triggering any mines
Leviathan Killer
Adjustment pixel Leviathan Killer: Complete a mission on Veteran or Heroic difficulty, using only Tier 1 Space Marines with no additional Wargear
Inquisitors' Favour
Adjustment pixel Inquisitors' Favour: Enter a mission with a squad of Space Marines who have all of their abilities unlocked, and Wargear in every Wargear slot
Bounty of Mars
Adjustment pixel Bounty of Mars: Collect a Tier 4 Wargear
Blessed by Ferrus Manus
Adjustment pixel Blessed by Ferrus Manus: Survive a shot from an Impaler Cannon
Iron Skull
Adjustment pixel Iron Skull: Level a Space Marine to Level 10
Crux Terminus
Adjustment pixel Crux Terminus: Level a Space Marine to Level 25
Imperial Laurel
Adjustment pixel Imperial Laurel: Level a Space Marine to Level 50
The Aquila
Adjustment pixel The Aquila: Unlock all of a Space Marine's abilities and traits
The Marksman's Honour
Adjustment pixel The Marksman's Honour: Raise a Space Marine's Accuracy to 100%
Tyranid Hunter
Adjustment pixel Tyranid Hunter: Raise a Space Marine's Crit to 50%
Corpus Helix
Adjustment pixel Corpus Helix: Raise a Space Marine's HP to 400
Carnifex Trophy
Adjustment pixel Carnifex Trophy: Kill a Carnifex without it spending any AP
Xenos Bane
Adjustment pixel Xenos Bane: Kill one of each large Tyranid
True Sons of the Emperor
Adjustment pixel True Sons of the Emperor: Kill 40,000 Tyranids
Ammunition Conserver
Adjustment pixel Ammunition Conserver: Complete a mission without attacking
7 players