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Wall2Wall PS4


Do you love walls? We mean really love walls. Yes? Then you must be really fun at parties.
  • US May 24, 2024
  • EU May 24, 2024
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon
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Developer: Game Achievements
Publisher: Game Achievements
  • 4 Trophy bronze icon
  • 3 Trophy silver icon
  • 10 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Sign up or sign in to track these trophies and more.
Wall2Wall Hero
Adjustment pixel Wall2Wall Hero: You managed to unlock all of the trophies and looked at a lot of walls, that is some pretty impressive stuff. Have you ever thought about a career as a wall inspector?
Let's Go!
Adjustment pixel Let's Go!: Play your first game of Wall2Wall.
Got Some Points!
Adjustment pixel Got Some Points!: You got some points, how many? Who knows?
5 Points!
Adjustment pixel 5 Points!: I have no idea why this is before the first point one!
First Point!
Adjustment pixel First Point!: Did you see that wall? Beautiful.
10 Walls!
Adjustment pixel 10 Walls!: You hit 10 walls in a single game, that is pretty good going.
25 Walls!
Adjustment pixel 25 Walls!: Keep up the great work, that is 25 amazing walls in one go!
50 Walls!
Adjustment pixel 50 Walls!: 50 Walls in a single go? That is simply incredible.
100 Walls!
Adjustment pixel 100 Walls!: If 50 was incredible, then 100 is mind blowing!
Wall Liker
Adjustment pixel Wall Liker: You like walls do you? Hit 100 of them and prove it.
Wall Lover
Adjustment pixel Wall Lover: So you think you love walls? Hit 200 of those beautiful things.
Wall Enthusiast
Adjustment pixel Wall Enthusiast: Oh, so you really love them? Ok hit 300 of them then.
Wall Collector
Adjustment pixel Wall Collector: You can't really collect walls as you generally only get 4 per room, but whatever.
Wall Surveyor
Adjustment pixel Wall Surveyor: You see a wall, and you look it up and down. The wall groans or something like that, bit weird but that happens when you have hit 500 of them.
Wall Inspector
Adjustment pixel Wall Inspector: Is that a crack?
Wall Wall
Adjustment pixel Wall Wall: We ran out of words to describe your love of walls, so we just put wall twice.
Wall Wall Wall
Adjustment pixel Wall Wall Wall: Now we put it three times. We could have written it once for wach of the 800 walls you have touched, but that would have been a lot of copy and pasting.
Too Many Walls
Adjustment pixel Too Many Walls: Ok we get it, you love walls, get over it and move on. You aren't going to achieve anything in life if all you do is stare at walls.
5 players