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Vambrace: Cold Soul PS4

Vambrace: Cold Soul

The King of Shades has cursed the great city of Icenaire. Now cast under a permanent blight of frost fall, its former residents have returned from the dead as mad Wraiths. Survivors take refuge deep underground where they lead a desperate campaign against this unearthly power. Woefully outmatched, they are forced into hiding as the King of Shades amasses an army of the undead above them. One fateful day, a mysterious stranger appears in the city with an enchanted vambrace.
  • US August 30, 2019
  • EU August 30, 2019
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon

Developer: Devespresso Games
Publisher: Chorus Worldwide
  • 22 Trophy bronze icon
  • 6 Trophy silver icon
  • 5 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
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Queen Of Icenaire
Adjustment pixel Queen Of Icenaire: Collect all Trophies in Vambrace: Cold Soul.
A Strange Visitor
Adjustment pixel A Strange Visitor: Entered Dalearch City.
Be Our Guest
Adjustment pixel Be Our Guest: Gained the right to stay at the Lost Lady Inn.
The Maker
Adjustment pixel The Maker: Gained access to the crafting table.
Ice Breaker
Adjustment pixel Ice Breaker: Destroyed the first Frostfence.
North Venture Company VIP
Adjustment pixel North Venture Company VIP: Supported Maru Han.
Ghost Bazaar VIP
Adjustment pixel Ghost Bazaar VIP: Supported Gerrard.
The Warden
Adjustment pixel The Warden: Escorted King Argrim back to Dalearch.
The Revolutionary
Adjustment pixel The Revolutionary: Left King Argrim at Iceridge Penitentiary.
The Shade King's Power
Adjustment pixel The Shade King's Power: Witnessed Sarge's death.
Scorpion Hunter
Adjustment pixel Scorpion Hunter: Defeated Feroza.
The Prosecutor
Adjustment pixel The Prosecutor: Captured Lanvil and turned him over to the Guardians.
Adjustment pixel Avenger: Executed Lanvil.
Mysterious Friends
Adjustment pixel Mysterious Friends: Spoke with Zaquard before the attack.
Magical Company
Adjustment pixel Magical Company: Spoke with Isabel before the attack.
Adjustment pixel Hellion: How does one use this paper money?
Fallen Loyal
Adjustment pixel Fallen Loyal: Dalearch's location was compromised to aid the Green Flame's raid.
Sister Sylvani
Adjustment pixel Sister Sylvani: Matriarch Talindra sacrificed herself to block the tunnel leading to Dalearch.
The Vanquisher
Adjustment pixel The Vanquisher: Explore all four districts of Icenaire.
Adjustment pixel Devespresso: Found a missing research team.
The Coma
Adjustment pixel The Coma: Hear Yaasol's Dream about The Coma.
Ready to Explore
Adjustment pixel Ready to Explore: Completed Chapter 1.
The Market Opener
Adjustment pixel The Market Opener: Completed Chapter 2.
The Liberator
Adjustment pixel The Liberator: Completed Chapter 3.
The Betrayed
Adjustment pixel The Betrayed: Completed Chapter 4.
The Escape Artist
Adjustment pixel The Escape Artist: Completed Chapter 5.
Rescuers from Down Under
Adjustment pixel Rescuers from Down Under: Completed Chapter 6.
The Augur of Edena
Adjustment pixel The Augur of Edena: Go light.
The Queen of Shades
Adjustment pixel The Queen of Shades: Go dark.
The Hero of Icenaire
Adjustment pixel The Hero of Icenaire: Go the middle way.
Sparse Collection
Adjustment pixel Sparse Collection: Collect 5 costumes.
Decent Collection
Adjustment pixel Decent Collection: Collect 10 costumes.
Lovely Collection
Adjustment pixel Lovely Collection: Collect 20 costumes.
Magnificent Collection
Adjustment pixel Magnificent Collection: Collect all costumes.
12 players