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Ultra Age PS4

Ultra Age

Ultra-age is a game with incredible combo action and its very own swords have its unique features that gives variance to the patterns when confronting the enemies while out exploring
  • US September 9, 2021
  • EU September 9, 2021
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon

Developer: Next Stage
Publisher: Intragames
  • 22 Trophy bronze icon
  • 9 Trophy silver icon
  • 5 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
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Adjustment pixel Platinum: Claim all trophies.
Mecha Drapoel
Adjustment pixel Mecha Drapoel: Eliminate the Mecha Drapoel.
Adjustment pixel Rhino: Eliminate Rhino.
Adjustment pixel Medea: Eliminate Medea.
Adjustment pixel Machine: Destroy AM-302.
Snake Queen
Adjustment pixel Snake Queen: Destroy the Snake Queen.
Mecha Drapoel II
Adjustment pixel Mecha Drapoel II: Eliminate the Mecha Drapoel in the Laboratory.
Rhino Hunter
Adjustment pixel Rhino Hunter: Eliminate the Rhino in the Laboratory.
Adjustment pixel Liberation: Stop Atlas.
Time Travel
Adjustment pixel Time Travel: Complete 3 mazes.
Adjustment pixel Conclusion: Eliminate Deucalion.
Adjustment pixel Katana: Acquire the Katana.
Blade Attribute I
Adjustment pixel Blade Attribute I: Enhance Katana Attributes.
Adjustment pixel Claymore: Acquire the Claymore.
Blade Attribute II
Adjustment pixel Blade Attribute II: Enhance Claymore Attributes.
Lightning Blade
Adjustment pixel Lightning Blade: Acquire the Lightning Blade.
Blade Attribute III
Adjustment pixel Blade Attribute III: Enhance Lightning Blade Attributes.
Adjustment pixel Gunblade: Acquire the Gunblade.
Blade Attribute IV
Adjustment pixel Blade Attribute IV: Enhance Gunblade Attributes.
Charge Claymore
Adjustment pixel Charge Claymore: Acquire the Charge Claymore.
Blade Attributes V
Adjustment pixel Blade Attributes V: Enhance Charge Claymore Attributes.
Crystal Fragments
Adjustment pixel Crystal Fragments: Acquire 10,000 Crystal Fragments.
Adjustment pixel Energy: Acquire 2,000 Energy.
Adjustment pixel Death: Experience death.
Time Shift
Adjustment pixel Time Shift: Enhance Helvis's Time Shift skill.
Item Pull
Adjustment pixel Item Pull: Enhance Helvis's Item Pull skill.
Critical Rage
Adjustment pixel Critical Rage: Enhance Helvis's Critical Rage skill.
Healing Pocket
Adjustment pixel Healing Pocket: Enhance Helvis's Healing Pocket Skill.
Power Gear
Adjustment pixel Power Gear: Acquire 5 Power Gears.
Adjustment pixel Collector: Acquire 10 Power Gears.
Adjustment pixel Explorer: Acquire 20 Power Gears.
Blade Parts
Adjustment pixel Blade Parts: Upgrade Blade Parts.
Booster Parts
Adjustment pixel Booster Parts: Upgrade Booster Parts.
Glove Parts
Adjustment pixel Glove Parts: Upgrade Glove Parts.
Wire Parts
Adjustment pixel Wire Parts: Upgrade Wire Parts.
Adjustment pixel Amateur: Defeat 50 enemies.
Adjustment pixel Expert: Defeat 150 enemies.
7 players