Twisted Champion: Unlock all trophies in Twisted Metal.
The Beginning of the End: Complete level 1, Arena Duel.
Not Here to Deliver: Complete level 2, Warehouse District Warfare.
Highway to Carnage: Complete level 3, Freeway Free for All.
Water Is for People, Not Cars: Complete level 4, River Park Rumble.
Watch Out for Pedestrians : Complete level 5, Assault on Cyburbia.
Watch the Edge Now: Complete level 6, Rooftop Combat.
Tank You for the Memories: Complete the final round and defeat Minion.
Candy Bag: Collect your winning prize as Sweet Tooth.
Unfortunate News: Collect your winning prize as Yellow Jacket.
The Demon's Keeper: Collect your winning prize as Darkside.
Space Sheriff: Collect your winning prize as Outlaw.
South Central Hero: Collect your winning prize as Thumper.
Special Agent: Collect your winning prize as Crimson Fury.
Sneaky Snake: Collect your winning prize as Pit Viper.
To Protect and Serve: Collect your winning prize as Warthog.
The Bell Tolls for Calypso: Collect your winning prize as Mr. Grimm.
How Does a Ghost Drive?: Collect your winning prize as Spectre.
New Tire Discount: Collect your winning prize as Hammerhead.
Captain's Lament: Collect your winning prize as Road Kill.
Freefalling: Cause either yourself or your opponent to fall off the rooftop in the Rooftop Combat level.
Pump 'em Full of Lead: Defeat an opponent with the machine gun.
If You Can't Beat Them, Ram Them: Defeat an opponent with collision damage.
I Have a Special Power: Defeat an opponent with a special weapon.
Resourceful Driver: Collect 5 weapons in any level.
Can't Hide from Me: Destroy all Calypso crates in the Arena Duel level.
You Shouldn't Have Parked There: Eliminate a car in the Warehouse District Warfare level.
You Thought a Barrier Would Stop Me?: Blast through a road work site on the Freeway Free for All level.
Strategic Break: Drive through an alley in the River Park Rumble level.
Can I Ban the Van?: Eliminate a van in the Assault on Cyburbia level.
Pyramid Secret: Destroy the pyramid on the Rooftop Combat level.