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Twin Breaker: A Sacred Symbols Adventure PS4

Twin Breaker: A Sacred Symbols Adventure

Twin Breaker: A Sacred Symbols Adventure is a story-driven brick-breaking game molded in the style of ‘80s arcade classics like Arkanoid and Breakout, but with a plot, characters, and meaning! In the early 2300s, Earth is still recovering from a decades-long World War that engulfed most of the planet, except for the isolationist United States that used its power and prestige not to fight, but to reach for the stars. But when NASA’s generation ships disappear in interstellar space, only two pilots are capable of figuring out why.
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon
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Developer: Lillymo
Publisher: EastAsiaSoft
  • 36 Trophy bronze icon
  • 7 Trophy silver icon
  • 3 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Sign up or sign in to track these trophies and more.
A Beautiful Lie
Adjustment pixel A Beautiful Lie: Earn all other trophies.
Adjustment pixel Aerials: Reflect the Bouncer midair 50 times.
Best Imitation of Myself
Adjustment pixel Best Imitation of Myself: Double the Bouncer 25 times.
Adjustment pixel Bombtrack: Destroy 50 blocks with targeted explosions.
Chasin' Papers
Adjustment pixel Chasin' Papers: Collect 50 silver coins.
Adjustment pixel Counterfeit: Decrease the Bouncer's speed 25 times.
Adjustment pixel Courage: Increase the Bouncer's speed 25 times.
Dead Man's Party
Adjustment pixel Dead Man's Party: Lose all of your lives 10 times.
Deal of the Century
Adjustment pixel Deal of the Century: Try each mode at least one time.
Adjustment pixel Elite: Earn 1 S-Rank.
Adjustment pixel Enemy: Kill 25 Scarabs.
Adjustment pixel Epic: Earn 10 S-Ranks.
Golden Parachutes
Adjustment pixel Golden Parachutes: Collect 50 gold coins.
Hold the Line
Adjustment pixel Hold the Line: Erect 25 shield walls.
I Am A Rock
Adjustment pixel I Am A Rock: Destroy 250 blocks with the Heavy Ball.
I'd Die Without You
Adjustment pixel I'd Die Without You: Collect 50 hearts.
Keep Fishin'
Adjustment pixel Keep Fishin': Miss 500 pickups.
Money For Nothing
Adjustment pixel Money For Nothing: Buy more health and die again 10 times.
Natural Life
Adjustment pixel Natural Life: Max out your health 10 times.
New Skin
Adjustment pixel New Skin: Spend 1,000 points on extra health.
Noticeable One
Adjustment pixel Noticeable One: Increase the multiplier 25 times.
Pretty Penny
Adjustment pixel Pretty Penny: Collect 50 bronze coins.
Pure Concentrated Evil
Adjustment pixel Pure Concentrated Evil: Collide with 25 Scarabs.
Stun Gun
Adjustment pixel Stun Gun: Destroy 250 blocks with lasers.
Time is Running Out
Adjustment pixel Time is Running Out: Use all of your time on any stage.
That's Good
Adjustment pixel That's Good: Grow Greetings or Salutations 25 times.
Walk Away
Adjustment pixel Walk Away: Play Twin Breaker over five separate sessions.
You Learn
Adjustment pixel You Learn: Shrink Greetings or Salutations 25 times.
You Never Give Me Your Money
Adjustment pixel You Never Give Me Your Money: Decline to buy more health 10 times.
Caught A Glimpse
Adjustment pixel Caught A Glimpse: Jump through the wormhole.
From Chaos
Adjustment pixel From Chaos: Begin to see things clearly.
Black Star Deceiver
Adjustment pixel Black Star Deceiver: Survive your first alien encounter.
Message in a Bottle
Adjustment pixel Message in a Bottle: Pick up the SOS.
Us and Them
Adjustment pixel Us and Them: Discover the secret of the missing ships.
Adjustment pixel Spiderwebs: Receive an unexpected message.
Easier to Run
Adjustment pixel Easier to Run: Wonder about your mortality.
Welcome to Paradise
Adjustment pixel Welcome to Paradise: Close-in on Proxima Centauri.
Catch Me I'm Falling
Adjustment pixel Catch Me I'm Falling: Collect 1,000 pickups.
I Alone
Adjustment pixel I Alone: Destroy 80% (or more) of a stage's bricks with Greetings or Salutations.
It Only Took A Day
Adjustment pixel It Only Took A Day: Beat all 40 stages in 24 Earth hours.
Adjustment pixel Notorious: Earn 20 S-Ranks.
Two Princes
Adjustment pixel Two Princes: Destroy the same amount of blocks with Greetings and Salutations on one stage.
Adjustment pixel Uncommon: Collect 10 different types of pickups on one stage.
Adjustment pixel Surfacing: Survive and return to Earth.
In Books
Adjustment pixel In Books: Unlock all 40 collectibles.
Break It Down Again
Adjustment pixel Break It Down Again: Beat New Game+.
I Get Around
Adjustment pixel I Get Around: Leave no stone unturned.
28 players