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Tux and Fanny PS5

Tux and Fanny

A retro-inspired adventure puzzle game featuring multiple playable characters with interwoven storylines. Explore the natural (and unnatural) world for unique interactions and unlock items to aid you in your quest. There's nothing as simultaneously charming and strange as the world of Tux and Fanny.
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Platform: PlayStation 5 icon

Developer: Ghost Time Games
Publisher: Means Interactive
  • 22 Trophy bronze icon
  • 2 Trophy silver icon
  • 7 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
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A Nice Day
Adjustment pixel A Nice Day: Not only did you play soccer with your best friend, you also beat every single mini-game!
Home Sweet Home
Adjustment pixel Home Sweet Home: There's no place sweeter than home.
Skull Legs
Adjustment pixel Skull Legs: You're braver than you look!
Agile Auto
Adjustment pixel Agile Auto: The seagulls are inevitable.
Wiggle Worm Trilogy
Adjustment pixel Wiggle Worm Trilogy: Better go find a new apple now...
Bad Boy Bubble
Adjustment pixel Bad Boy Bubble: You are a bad enough bubble.
Selfish Snake
Adjustment pixel Selfish Snake: Sharing makes the world a better place.
Maggot Mayhem
Adjustment pixel Maggot Mayhem: Barf bag not included.
Magic Maker
Adjustment pixel Magic Maker: You'll never see the Edible Forest at this point...
Reliable Robot
Adjustment pixel Reliable Robot: You are the hero the universe deserves.
Ant Acquisition
Adjustment pixel Ant Acquisition: Enjoy that chicken dinner.
Cool Cloud
Adjustment pixel Cool Cloud: That's one cool cloud.
Read A Book
Adjustment pixel Read A Book: Playing video games and reading a book at the same time!
Topsy Turvy Tubing
Adjustment pixel Topsy Turvy Tubing: If only a river never ended...
Fire Family
Adjustment pixel Fire Family: Uncle Fire always gets lost in the most inconvenient places.
Tim Tooth
Adjustment pixel Tim Tooth: Who knew brushing could be so much fun?
Pet A Bunny
Adjustment pixel Pet A Bunny: But why was there gasoline in the trees?
Cruisin' Cycles
Adjustment pixel Cruisin' Cycles: Still thinking about what happened to the rest of that clown...
Adventure Brain
Adjustment pixel Adventure Brain: The Mars level is my favourite.
Grand Gorilla
Adjustment pixel Grand Gorilla: Herbert approves.
Adjustment pixel Goblins: You made a great impression!
Unicorn Power
Adjustment pixel Unicorn Power: You know a game is good when it has a unicorn in it.
Adjustment pixel Skiing: Thankfully no one was eaten.
Adjustment pixel Solitaire: Solitaire is always more fun digitally because of the cool winning animation.
Desert Temple
Adjustment pixel Desert Temple: This game needed at least one dungeon.
Adjustment pixel Sasquatch: REAL
Giant Fly
Adjustment pixel Giant Fly: Good thing you had that jar handy!
Puzzle Tractor
Adjustment pixel Puzzle Tractor: You'll never look at cows the same way again.
Birds, Flowers, Bugs
Adjustment pixel Birds, Flowers, Bugs: There's even more birds, flowers, and bugs outside just waiting for you to find them!
Adjustment pixel Soccer: Soccer was way better than that seesaw - good thing you didn't stop there.
Blizzard Beads
Adjustment pixel Blizzard Beads: Hopefully you had a friend help you out with this one...
Help A Fairy
Adjustment pixel Help A Fairy: Now read Things We Found On The Beach.
2 players