Indicator GIF
Tiger Blade PS5

Tiger Blade

Tiger Blade brings all the stylish, adrenaline soaked combat of the very best of Korean neo-noir action cinema to PS VR2. Become immersed in the atmospheric alleyways, city streets, and docks as you bring your professional retribution to the gang that turned on you.
  • US N/A
  • EU N/A
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 5 icon

Developer: Ikimasho
Publisher: Big Sugar
  • 5 Trophy bronze icon
  • 24 Trophy silver icon
  • 2 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Sign up or sign in to track these trophies and more.
Tiger Master
Adjustment pixel Tiger Master: Get all the other trophies
Tutorial completed
Adjustment pixel Tutorial completed: Reach the end of the tutorial
Commercial port completed
Adjustment pixel Commercial port completed: Reach the end of the commercial port
The Captal N°03 completed
Adjustment pixel The Captal N°03 completed: Reach the end of the Captal N°03
Container terminal completed
Adjustment pixel Container terminal completed: Reach the end of the container terminal
Sewoon district completed
Adjustment pixel Sewoon district completed: Reach the end of the Sewoon district
Sewoon roofs completed
Adjustment pixel Sewoon roofs completed: Reach the end of the Sewoon roofs
City subway completed
Adjustment pixel City subway completed: Reach the end of the city subway
Financial district completed
Adjustment pixel Financial district completed: Reach the end of the financial district
Tiger Clan's tower completed
Adjustment pixel Tiger Clan's tower completed: Reach the end of the Tiger Clan's tower
This is how it ends
Adjustment pixel This is how it ends: Reach the end of the game
Commercial port mastered
Adjustment pixel Commercial port mastered: Get 3 stars in the commercial port
The Captal N°03 mastered
Adjustment pixel The Captal N°03 mastered: Get 3 stars in the Captal N°03
Container terminal mastered
Adjustment pixel Container terminal mastered: Get 3 stars in the container terminal
Sewoon district mastered
Adjustment pixel Sewoon district mastered: Get 3 stars in the Sewoon district
Sewoon roofs mastered
Adjustment pixel Sewoon roofs mastered: Get 3 stars in the Sewoon roofs
City subway mastered
Adjustment pixel City subway mastered: Get 3 stars in the city subway
Financial district mastered
Adjustment pixel Financial district mastered: Get 3 stars in the financial district
Tiger Clan's tower mastered
Adjustment pixel Tiger Clan's tower mastered: Get 3 stars in the Tiger clan's tower
Perfect: Traitor's Ambush
Adjustment pixel Perfect: Traitor's Ambush: Beat a traitors' level without getting hit
Perfect: Tiger Clan Streak
Adjustment pixel Perfect: Tiger Clan Streak: Beat a Tiger Clan's level without getting hit
Perfect: Kuki
Adjustment pixel Perfect: Kuki: Defeat Kuki without getting hit
Perfect: One
Adjustment pixel Perfect: One: Defeat One without getting hit
Perfect: Two
Adjustment pixel Perfect: Two: Defeat Two without getting hit
Perfect: Widow
Adjustment pixel Perfect: Widow: Defeat Widow without getting hit
Traitors Unprotected
Adjustment pixel Traitors Unprotected: Beat a traitors' level without using shields
Tiger Clan Unprotected
Adjustment pixel Tiger Clan Unprotected: Beat a Tiger Clan's level without using shields
39 to go
Adjustment pixel 39 to go: Shoot your first Tiger medal
Swan song
Adjustment pixel Swan song: Shoot all herons in the commercial port
I prefer bigger cats
Adjustment pixel I prefer bigger cats: Shoot the cat
I shot the Cherif
Adjustment pixel I shot the Cherif: Shoot Chérif
Thanks for playing
Adjustment pixel Thanks for playing: Watch the credits to the end
2 players