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Theatrhythm Final Bar Line PS4

Theatrhythm Final Bar Line

Theatrhythm Final Bar Line is packed with 385 carefully selected music tracks from across the whole FINAL FANTASY series.
  • US February 16, 2023
  • EU February 16, 2023
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon

Developer: Indieszero
Publisher: Square Enix
  • 24 Trophy bronze icon
  • 14 Trophy silver icon
  • 3 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Sign up or sign in to track these trophies and more.
Adjustment pixel THEATRHYTHM Maestro: Got all trophies
In Pursuit of Harmony
Adjustment pixel In Pursuit of Harmony: Cleared first series title
Unbroken Symphony
Adjustment pixel Unbroken Symphony: Achieved first Perfect Chain
Adjustment pixel Perfectionist: Achieved first All Critical
A Musical Journey Begins
Adjustment pixel A Musical Journey Begins: Cleared first THEATRHYTHM FINAL FANTASY Series song
Adjustment pixel Outro: Beat the game and watched the ending
Battling Musicians
Adjustment pixel Battling Musicians: Played 100 Music Stages
Veteran Orchestra
Adjustment pixel Veteran Orchestra: Played 300 Music Stages
Adjustment pixel Encore!: Played one song 10 times
Uniting Melody
Adjustment pixel Uniting Melody: Achieved 50 Perfect Chains
Eternal Harmony
Adjustment pixel Eternal Harmony: Achieved 100 Perfect Chains
Overflowing Gold
Adjustment pixel Overflowing Gold: Filled 10 Critical Charts with Standard Style
Winding Rhapsody
Adjustment pixel Winding Rhapsody: Received five hundred million points
Remnant Träumerei
Adjustment pixel Remnant Träumerei: Received five billion points
Item Enthusiast
Adjustment pixel Item Enthusiast: Used 100 stage items
Skilled Combatant
Adjustment pixel Skilled Combatant: Activated abilities 500 times
Combat Artist
Adjustment pixel Combat Artist: Activated abilities 1,000 times
Show of Finesse
Adjustment pixel Show of Finesse: Activated 20 or more abilities in one song
Seasoned Hunter
Adjustment pixel Seasoned Hunter: Defeated 500 enemies
Unparalleled Hunter
Adjustment pixel Unparalleled Hunter: Defeated 5,000 enemies
Unstoppable Force
Adjustment pixel Unstoppable Force: Defeated 15 or more enemies in one song
Summon's True Power
Adjustment pixel Summon's True Power: Dealt 3,000 damage to one enemy with one summon attack
Summon Tamer
Adjustment pixel Summon Tamer: Called forth 5 summons in one song
Indomitable Band
Adjustment pixel Indomitable Band: Four characters reached Lv99
Beyond the Stars
Adjustment pixel Beyond the Stars: One character reached Star Level 9
Adjustment pixel 999er: One character reached max stats
Making Sound Waves
Adjustment pixel Making Sound Waves: Obtained 10,000 Rhythmia
Riding the Symphonic Tide
Adjustment pixel Riding the Symphonic Tide: Obtained 100,000 Rhythmia
CollectaCard Buff
Adjustment pixel CollectaCard Buff: Got 300 different CollectaCards
CollectaCard Master
Adjustment pixel CollectaCard Master: Got 1,000 different CollectaCards
Renowned Treasure Hunter
Adjustment pixel Renowned Treasure Hunter: Got 1,000 dropped items
An Excess of Summonstones
Adjustment pixel An Excess of Summonstones: Got 30 dropped Summonstones
Path of the Harmonist
Adjustment pixel Path of the Harmonist: Cleared 10 Series Quest titles
A Deeper Harmony
Adjustment pixel A Deeper Harmony: Completed quests from 10 Series Quest titles
Harmonic Enlightenment
Adjustment pixel Harmonic Enlightenment: Completed quests from 20 Series Quest titles
Endless Challenger
Adjustment pixel Endless Challenger: Finished at least 5 stages in an Endless World run
Endless Walker
Adjustment pixel Endless Walker: Finished at least 10 stages in an Endless World run
Endless Ruler
Adjustment pixel Endless Ruler: Finished at least 20 stages in an Endless World run
Master of the Moment
Adjustment pixel Master of the Moment: Perfect Chained 5 Top Hits in one day
Grand Rhythmist
Adjustment pixel Grand Rhythmist: Played every song excluding DX and DLC
Ultimate Rhythmist
Adjustment pixel Ultimate Rhythmist: Cleared every song excluding DX and DLC
Complete Harmony
Adjustment pixel Complete Harmony: Completed all Series Quests
32 players