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The Texas Chain Saw Massacre PS4

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre is an authentic gaming experience based on the groundbreaking 1974 film
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon
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Developer: Gun Interactive
Publisher: Sumo Nottingham
  • 41 Trophy bronze icon
  • 9 Trophy silver icon
  • 1 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
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Forever Texas
Adjustment pixel Forever Texas: Get all Trophies
Adjustment pixel Purge: Using the Pain is Nothing ability purge 4 poison effects
Totally Texas
Adjustment pixel Totally Texas: Reach Player Level 50
Lone Star
Adjustment pixel Lone Star: Reach level 5 with a single character
Texas Through and Through
Adjustment pixel Texas Through and Through: Reach level 5 with all characters
Perking Up
Adjustment pixel Perking Up: Start a match with a fully levelled up ability and three level 3 perks equipped
Welcome to the Family
Adjustment pixel Welcome to the Family: Execute your first victim
Serial Killer
Adjustment pixel Serial Killer: Execute 100 victims in total
Mine All Mine
Adjustment pixel Mine All Mine: Execute all four victims in a single match
He was the greatest ever.
Adjustment pixel He was the greatest ever.: Feed Grandpa 10 times in total
First Blood
Adjustment pixel First Blood: Execute the first victim in a match
Get Outta There
Adjustment pixel Get Outta There: Drag out 20 victims from inside hiding objects
So Close...
Adjustment pixel So Close...: Kill a victim within 10 metres of an exit in any level
Last Victim Standing
Adjustment pixel Last Victim Standing: As last victim standing, Survive for 150 seconds and escape in a single match
The Lucky One?
Adjustment pixel The Lucky One?: Escape 100 times
Adjustment pixel Shhhhhh: As a victim escape a level without making any noise from collecting objects, traps, chickens, bonecharms, doors.
Bring it on
Adjustment pixel Bring it on: Win 4 close encounters as a victim in total
Git back here
Adjustment pixel Git back here: Win 4 close encounters as family members in total
Fighting Back
Adjustment pixel Fighting Back: Successfully perform 3 sneak attacks against family members in total
Team Player
Adjustment pixel Team Player: Heal 4 teammates in total
Now it's my turn
Adjustment pixel Now it's my turn: Sneak attack all family members in a single match
Be like Sally
Adjustment pixel Be like Sally: Escape down the driveway after jumping out of the family house front window
Fully Focused
Adjustment pixel Fully Focused: Use the focus ability to unlock 10 doors in total
Safe and Secure
Adjustment pixel Safe and Secure: Add extra locks to 10 doors in total
I hear you
Adjustment pixel I hear you: Successfully spot 10 victims in total
I got one!
Adjustment pixel I got one!: Catch a total of 5 victims in traps
I'm comin' for ya
Adjustment pixel I'm comin' for ya: As Hitchhiker use one sidle, bolthole and ladder in a single match
Can't hide from me
Adjustment pixel Can't hide from me: Analyze 5 victim footprints in total
Can't Keep Me Out
Adjustment pixel Can't Keep Me Out: Successfully barge open a total of 10 latched doors
Adjustment pixel Undetectable: Use the Ultimate Escape ability at level 3 to reduce stamina consumption and become immune to detection 5 times
Dog Will Hunt
Adjustment pixel Dog Will Hunt: As Leatherface destroy 10 objects with your chainsaw (blocker, bolthole, door)
Hung up on you
Adjustment pixel Hung up on you: Execute 10 victims in total on gallows as Leatherface
Our Hero
Adjustment pixel Our Hero: Shoulder barge and stun 10 family members
Don't Touch
Adjustment pixel Don't Touch: Poison 15 victim pickups (tools, shards, healthitems)
Powder Burns
Adjustment pixel Powder Burns: Confuse two or more victims simultaneously
All Knowing
Adjustment pixel All Knowing: Track all family members in a single match
You Spelt Champion Wrong
Adjustment pixel You Spelt Champion Wrong: As a family member kill a victim in under 30 seconds from the start of a match
Makin' Grandpa Proud
Adjustment pixel Makin' Grandpa Proud: Achieve a perfect family win (killing all victims) on each map
Escape Artists
Adjustment pixel Escape Artists: Achieve a perfect victim win (all victims escape) on each map
Leaving Home
Adjustment pixel Leaving Home: Escape using each exit on the Family House level
Outta Gas
Adjustment pixel Outta Gas: Escape using each exit on the Gas Station level
Off to Market
Adjustment pixel Off to Market: Escape using each exit on the Slaughterhouse level
The Saw is Family
Adjustment pixel The Saw is Family: Reach family bond to maximum and keep it there for the whole match
Adjustment pixel Fixer: During a single match stop the generator, fix the fusebox and open the pressure valve.
Nowhere left to Hide
Adjustment pixel Nowhere left to Hide: As a victim hide in a freezer, locker, wardrobe, trunk and car trunk.
Doing Well
Adjustment pixel Doing Well: Jump down a well 10 times in total
Adjustment pixel Respec: Respec a characters unlock tree after reaching maximum level
Running, Jumping, Climbing Trees
Adjustment pixel Running, Jumping, Climbing Trees: Spent first points in the unlock tree
Behind the Curtain
Adjustment pixel Behind the Curtain: Get your first unlockable
Adjustment pixel Executioner: Perform the Gutted Like A Deer, Cracking an Egg, Sliced Meat, Sticky End and Killing Tease executions as Leatherface, Cook, Hitchhiker, Johnny and Sissy
Tread Softly
Adjustment pixel Tread Softly: Avoid being detected by Grandpa for a whole match
What Will be Left of You?
Adjustment pixel What Will be Left of You?: Play 74 public matches
3 players