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The Lord of the Rings: Gollum PS4

The Lord of the Rings: Gollum

Stealth-action adventure with an intriguing dual-personality mechanic, gigantic levels, and a densely wrought aesthetic inspired by Tolkien’s own drawings,
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon
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Developer: Daedalic
Publisher: Daedalic
  • 22 Trophy bronze icon
  • 9 Trophy silver icon
  • 5 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
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Adjustment pixel Perfectionist: Unlock all Trophies.
River Hobbit
Adjustment pixel River Hobbit: Keep diving!
Adjustment pixel Memories: Be curious!
Welcome to Mordor!
Adjustment pixel Welcome to Mordor!: Die for the first time in Barad-dûr.
And Now We Wish...
Adjustment pixel And Now We Wish...: …Ha! Ha! What does we wish?
We Wants It! We Needs It!
Adjustment pixel We Wants It! We Needs It!: No room for Sméagol.
Good Sméagol!
Adjustment pixel Good Sméagol!: No room for Gollum.
The Wraith
Adjustment pixel The Wraith: Finish Chapter 1.
The Maggot
Adjustment pixel The Maggot: Finish Chapter 2.
The Breeder
Adjustment pixel The Breeder: Finish Chapter 3.
The Veteran
Adjustment pixel The Veteran: Finish Chapter 4.
The Traitor
Adjustment pixel The Traitor: Finish Chapter 5.
The Spider
Adjustment pixel The Spider: Finish Chapter 6.
Good as Fish
Adjustment pixel Good as Fish: Finish Chapter 7.
Her Eyes
Adjustment pixel Her Eyes: Finish Chapter 8.
Adjustment pixel Gollum/Sméagol: Finish Chapter 9.
The Friend
Adjustment pixel The Friend: Finish Chapter 10.
He's So Annoying
Adjustment pixel He's So Annoying: Kill the Grashneg every possible way.
Collectibles Part 1
Adjustment pixel Collectibles Part 1: Find your first Collectible.
Collectibles Part 2
Adjustment pixel Collectibles Part 2: Gather 20 Collectibles.
Rule Them All!
Adjustment pixel Rule Them All!: Gather all Collectibles.
Adjustment pixel Trigger-Happy: Keep throwing stones.
Ss ss ss...
Adjustment pixel Ss ss ss...: You stole food from Mell's table.
Nervous Hands
Adjustment pixel Nervous Hands: Complete a segment without taking damage.
So Tasty!
Adjustment pixel So Tasty!: Find all the food items at the bell tower.
Sweet Darkness
Adjustment pixel Sweet Darkness: Too many lights in here...
Made a Song
Adjustment pixel Made a Song: You rang all the bells at the bell tower.
Adjustment pixel Murderer: Let's play our little game…
Adjustment pixel Scout: Discover all vantage points.
Wait! Wait! Not Yet!
Adjustment pixel Wait! Wait! Not Yet!: You fell into lava.
Like Flying...
Adjustment pixel Like Flying...: A long, long fall…
How Did You Do That?
Adjustment pixel How Did You Do That?: Complete the game without dying.
Adjustment pixel Elf-Friend: You saved the cook, the Elf guards, and the Riddlemaster.
We Hates Them!
Adjustment pixel We Hates Them!: The cook, the Elf guards, and the Riddlemaster all died.
Master of the Old Game
Adjustment pixel Master of the Old Game: Riddles are silly? No…
So Silly!
Adjustment pixel So Silly!: You must like art…
Break a Leg!
Adjustment pixel Break a Leg!: Tower jumping… The third time's the charm.
3 players