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The Holy Gosh Darn PS4

The Holy Gosh Darn

The Holy Gosh Darn is a narrative adventure with a time-travelling twist. Time travel to jump between the past and present across Heaven, Hell, Earth and Helheim. Uncover information in one timeline to alter things in another in a bid to stop your heaven from going bang. Again.
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon
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Developer: Perfectly ParaNormal
Publisher: Yogscast Games
  • 22 Trophy bronze icon
  • 9 Trophy silver icon
  • 5 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
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...of 100%-ability
Adjustment pixel ...of 100%-ability: 100% the game.
...of Whackamoleity
Adjustment pixel ...of Whackamoleity: Get a perfect score in Whack-an-angel.
...of Audacity
Adjustment pixel ...of Audacity: Insult 10 Elders in the same timeline.
...of Brewery
Adjustment pixel ...of Brewery: Give Elder 7 every type of coffee possible.
...of Paradoxicality
Adjustment pixel ...of Paradoxicality: Give Brokk a nosebleed.
...of Discontinuity
Adjustment pixel ...of Discontinuity: Make Gerardiel shut up.
...of Snackery
Adjustment pixel ...of Snackery: Have a cookie.
...of Connectivity
Adjustment pixel ...of Connectivity: Open a network of portals between every realm.
...of Efficiency
Adjustment pixel ...of Efficiency: Finish the game by rewinding 30 times or less.
...of Celebrity
Adjustment pixel ...of Celebrity: Listen to yourself on the radio.
...of Generosity
Adjustment pixel ...of Generosity: Give Satan a gift.
...of Omnisciency
Adjustment pixel ...of Omnisciency: Freak out Puriel.
...of Holiness
Adjustment pixel ...of Holiness: Meet every Holy Spirit.
...of Theory
Adjustment pixel ...of Theory: Learn everything.
...of Modularity
Adjustment pixel ...of Modularity: Install the wardrobe module.
...of Sentimentality
Adjustment pixel ...of Sentimentality: Install the Holy Site Sentimenterer.
...of Upgradability
Adjustment pixel ...of Upgradability: Get a watch upgrade.
...of Fully Upgradability
Adjustment pixel ...of Fully Upgradability: Get all watch upgrades.
...of Sensibility
Adjustment pixel ...of Sensibility: Watch every divine memory.
...of Mortality
Adjustment pixel ...of Mortality: Die in 5 different ways.
...of Philanthropy
Adjustment pixel ...of Philanthropy: Help Mike Cobbles.
...of Mythology
Adjustment pixel ...of Mythology: Visit Helheim.
...of Humanity
Adjustment pixel ...of Humanity: Visit Earth.
...of Purgatory
Adjustment pixel ...of Purgatory: Visit Hell.
...of Salary
Adjustment pixel ...of Salary: Pay for services rendered.
...of Agility
Adjustment pixel ...of Agility: Skydive to all locations without hitting any dogs.
...of Craftability
Adjustment pixel ...of Craftability: Learn how to combine items.
...of Heroity
Adjustment pixel ...of Heroity: Save heaven.
...of Mockery
Adjustment pixel ...of Mockery: Insult one Elder.
...of Artistry
Adjustment pixel ...of Artistry: Look at 20 pieces of art adjacent stuff.
...of Hostility
Adjustment pixel ...of Hostility: Insult all Elders.
...of Animosity
Adjustment pixel ...of Animosity: Insult 10 Elders.
...of Melody
Adjustment pixel ...of Melody: Listen to every song.
...of Unbelievability
Adjustment pixel ...of Unbelievability: See crazy nonsense everywhere.
...of Vanity
Adjustment pixel ...of Vanity: Fill out your wardrobe.
...of Inquiry
Adjustment pixel ...of Inquiry: Read every book.
...of Verbosity
Adjustment pixel ...of Verbosity: Call everyone.
1 player