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Spider: Rite of the Shrouded Moon Vita Vita

Spider: Rite of the Shrouded Moon Vita

A secret society built Blackbird Estate for a specific reason.
Not even the family living there today knows what it is.
  • US October 25, 2016
  • EU October 25, 2016
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation Vita icon
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Developer: Tiger Style
Publisher: Tiger Style
  • 44 Trophy bronze icon
  • 4 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
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Adjustment pixel Platinum: Platinum
Adjustment pixel Ascetic: Trap all bugs, eat none.
Best Laid Plans
Adjustment pixel Best Laid Plans: Build a web while maintaining a 5x web multiplier.
Adjustment pixel Atlantean: Collect an Atlas Moth.
Case Bearing
Adjustment pixel Case Bearing: Collect a Coleophora Moth.
Adjustment pixel Immortality: Collect a Death's Head Moth.
Adjustment pixel Lunar: Collect a Luna Moth.
A Cool Drink
Adjustment pixel A Cool Drink: Collect a SwallowTail Butterfly.
Adjustment pixel Dedication: Earn Scholar or better rank in 30 levels.
Adjustment pixel Dessert: Tackle a hornet after eating 10 bugs in a combo.
Midnight Rider
Adjustment pixel Midnight Rider: Eat an insect exactly at midnight.
Ride The Lightning
Adjustment pixel Ride The Lightning: Eat 33 fireflies.
Fly Swatter
Adjustment pixel Fly Swatter: Swat 50 houseflies.
Adjustment pixel Entrapment: Tackle a hornet while jumping from one web to another.
Up The Water Spout
Adjustment pixel Up The Water Spout: Climb to the roof of Mansion South.
Adjustment pixel Hexagon: Create a six-sided web.
Third Purpose
Adjustment pixel Third Purpose: Secret Trophy #1
Op.47 I. F Major
Adjustment pixel Op.47 I. F Major: Secret Trophy #2
Adjustment pixel USTAEL: Secret Trophy #3
Adjustment pixel Bonds: Secret Trophy #4
Adjustment pixel Effulgence: Secret Trophy #5
The Scepters Of Emprise
Adjustment pixel The Scepters Of Emprise: Secret Trophy #6
The Stones of Resplendence
Adjustment pixel The Stones of Resplendence: Secret Trophy #7
Adjustment pixel Juggler: Juggle a cricket or grasshopper three times.
The Eternal Knight
Adjustment pixel The Eternal Knight: Attain rank of Knight in 30 levels.
The Golden Knight
Adjustment pixel The Golden Knight: Earn 50,000 points in less than 15 seconds.
The Solar Knight
Adjustment pixel The Solar Knight: Earn 32,500 points consuming only marshflies.
Daily Double
Adjustment pixel Daily Double: Max out both of your multipliers.
Mighty Nine
Adjustment pixel Mighty Nine: Trap 3 clusterflies in a 9-sided web.
Morbid Fascination
Adjustment pixel Morbid Fascination: Discover 5 ways to die.
Adjustment pixel Squaremaster: Spin 64 4-sided webs.
Adjustment pixel Knighted: Attain rank of Knight for the first time.
Adjustment pixel Savior: Tackle an insect just before dying of hunger.
Serpent's Seven
Adjustment pixel Serpent's Seven: Trap a snakefly in a 7-sided web.
Adjustment pixel Shish-Kabob: Eat two insects with one tackle.
The Sun, the Moon, and the Truth
Adjustment pixel The Sun, the Moon, and the Truth: Investigate the Captain's Quarters.
What Have We Here
Adjustment pixel What Have We Here: Find something hidden in the Vault.
Under Scrutiny
Adjustment pixel Under Scrutiny: Discover a secret in the Study.
Gone But Not Forgotten
Adjustment pixel Gone But Not Forgotten: Witness an event in the Laboratory.
Straight Eight
Adjustment pixel Straight Eight: Build an 8-sided web that isn't strong.
Adjustment pixel Equilateral: Finish an incomplete secret society symbol.
Fantasy Strike
Adjustment pixel Fantasy Strike: Tackle a dragonfly into a hornet.
Gnatural Born Killer
Adjustment pixel Gnatural Born Killer: Tackle all 5 gnats in a cluster in one jump.
Ten by Ten
Adjustment pixel Ten by Ten: Trap 10 insects in a 10-sided web.
What's the Rush?
Adjustment pixel What's the Rush?: Complete a level in under thirty seconds.
Adjustment pixel Traveler: Play the game under all 4 conditions.
Wrong Month
Adjustment pixel Wrong Month: "Enter a code that is valid but has expired."
Adjustment pixel Zorro: Eat 3 angry hornets without taking any damage.
Adjustment pixel Architect: Complete a web with 6+ sides without touching the ground.
10 players