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Souldiers PS5


Fight for your freedom in a sprawling fantasy world caught between the living and the fallen. Hone your skills in a retro epic featuring puzzle platforming, metroidvania exploration and crunchy soulslike combat.
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Platform: PlayStation 5 icon

Developer: Retro Forge
Publisher: Dear Villagers
  • 26 Trophy bronze icon
  • 7 Trophy silver icon
  • 5 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Sign up or sign in to track these trophies and more.
Adjustment pixel Platinum: Get all trophies
Adjustment pixel Destroyer: Destroy 3,000 environmental objects.
Adjustment pixel Demolisher: Destroy 10,000 environmental objects.
Adjustment pixel Relentless: Defeat 1,000 enemies.
Adjustment pixel Unstoppable: Defeat 5,000 enemies.
Adjustment pixel Arsenal: Defeat 50 enemies using secondary weapons.
Adjustment pixel Dragonslayer: Defeat Agginox on Soldier or Warrior mode.
Granted wish
Adjustment pixel Granted wish: Defeat Beigon on Soldier or Warrior mode.
Adjustment pixel Killjoy: Defeat Birk on Soldier or Warrior mode.
Vacant adversary
Adjustment pixel Vacant adversary: Defeat Brigard.
Wicked flight
Adjustment pixel Wicked flight: Defeat Sangrigor.
Dark soldier
Adjustment pixel Dark soldier: Defeat all Dark Warriors.
Baring fangs
Adjustment pixel Baring fangs: Defeat Galath a second time.
Adjustment pixel Arachnicide: Defeat Iktala on Soldier or Warrior mode.
Protector of the forest
Adjustment pixel Protector of the forest: Defeat the Minotaur
Big Fish
Adjustment pixel Big Fish: Defeat Project S on Soldier or Warrior mode.
Adjustment pixel Stalker: Defeat Ratatosk on Soldier or Warrior mode.
End of a dynasty
Adjustment pixel End of a dynasty: Defeat all Royal Scorpions.
Adjustment pixel Tamer: Defeat Babylon on Soldier or Warrior mode.
Master soldier
Adjustment pixel Master soldier: Complete the game as all three classes.
Master of the bow
Adjustment pixel Master of the bow: Complete the game as an Archer.
Master of the sword
Adjustment pixel Master of the sword: Complete the game as a Scout.
Master of magic
Adjustment pixel Master of magic: Complete the game as a Caster.
The impossible
Adjustment pixel The impossible: Complete the game on Warrior mode.
Another round
Adjustment pixel Another round: Finish a game on Game+ mode.
Forging ahead
Adjustment pixel Forging ahead: Upgrade your weapon to the highest level.
Perfect defence
Adjustment pixel Perfect defence: Upgrade your protection the highest level.
Voices from the past
Adjustment pixel Voices from the past: Collect all Dark Crystals.
Lord of the elements
Adjustment pixel Lord of the elements: Collect all orbs in the game.
Adjustment pixel Expert: Collect all secondary weapons.
Adjustment pixel Lazarus: Be revived by the Valkyries after falling in combat.
Adjustment pixel Columbo: Discover 50 hidden rooms.
Adjustment pixel Sherlock: Find all of the hidden rooms.
Adjustment pixel Potioholic: Use 100 potions.
Neighbour and friend
Adjustment pixel Neighbour and friend: Complete all side quests.
Adjustment pixel Explorer: Reveal 100% of every map.
Adjustment pixel Monstrologist: Complete the Bestiary in your Encyclopaedia.
Adjustment pixel Skillful: Unlock all skills.
Master of the elements
Adjustment pixel Master of the elements: Inflict altered states on your enemies 50 times.
5 players