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Scraper: First Strike PS4

Scraper: First Strike

Scraper: First Strike is a VR shooter game with RPG and exploration elements. Created and Imagined by Jim Ivon, Scraper: First Strike uses UE4 to deliver gamers into the year 2076, where they must battle renegade robots in high-rise skyscraper complexes.
  • US N/A
  • EU N/A
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon

Developer: Labrodex
Publisher: Labrodex
  • 12 Trophy bronze icon
  • 11 Trophy silver icon
  • 6 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
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Final Strike
Adjustment pixel Final Strike: Unlock all Trophies
Welcome To The Skydeck!
Adjustment pixel Welcome To The Skydeck!: Complete all missions on the Skydeck
Speak Of The Devil
Adjustment pixel Speak Of The Devil: Complete the game
Shoot Those Bots Into Pieces
Adjustment pixel Shoot Those Bots Into Pieces: Craft the Piecemaker
Get Me Some Duct Tape!
Adjustment pixel Get Me Some Duct Tape!: Craft the Boomstick
Ridin' The Rails
Adjustment pixel Ridin' The Rails: Craft the Debilitator
Beanbagging = Destruction
Adjustment pixel Beanbagging = Destruction: Craft the Equalizer
The Day Has Come
Adjustment pixel The Day Has Come: Craft The Reckoning
Not So Mini Mini-Gun
Adjustment pixel Not So Mini Mini-Gun: Craft the Slagger
The Wrath Of The Norwegian Gods
Adjustment pixel The Wrath Of The Norwegian Gods: Craft Halogi
Fairchild's Frozen Heart
Adjustment pixel Fairchild's Frozen Heart: Craft KRYOS
Verum Ferro
Adjustment pixel Verum Ferro: Craft all available Weapons
Ingression Access Zone: Accessed
Adjustment pixel Ingression Access Zone: Accessed: Complete Floor 76
Deuterium Extraction Floor: Extracted
Adjustment pixel Deuterium Extraction Floor: Extracted: Complete Floor 71
Palladium & Platinum Refinery: Refined
Adjustment pixel Palladium & Platinum Refinery: Refined: Complete Floor 67
Electrolyte Solution Floor: Solved
Adjustment pixel Electrolyte Solution Floor: Solved: Complete Floor 39
Security Services Floor: Secured
Adjustment pixel Security Services Floor: Secured: Complete Floor 18
Reactor Level: Reacquired
Adjustment pixel Reactor Level: Reacquired: Complete Floor B6
It Won't Be Guarding Anything Now
Adjustment pixel It Won't Be Guarding Anything Now: Defeat the Guardian
Can You Break The Ice?
Adjustment pixel Can You Break The Ice?: Defeat the Protector
Where Did It Get All That Webbing?
Adjustment pixel Where Did It Get All That Webbing?: Defeat ARK-N1D
Adjustment pixel Gearhead: Build an Equipment piece
Transaction Action
Adjustment pixel Transaction Action: Buy an Item from the Vendor
I'm Tongue-Tied By That Modified... Thing
Adjustment pixel I'm Tongue-Tied By That Modified... Thing: Modify a piece of Equipment
Adjustment pixel Double-Dipping: Build a 2-Socketed Item
Remember Fusili Guy?
Adjustment pixel Remember Fusili Guy?: Read all terminal messages
It Wasn't Doing Anything To YOU
Adjustment pixel It Wasn't Doing Anything To YOU: Shoot Bobby the Worker Drone
Now This Might Be A Bit Of A Challenge
Adjustment pixel Now This Might Be A Bit Of A Challenge: Complete the game on Hard Mode
We Love You Too!
Adjustment pixel We Love You Too!: Finish the Credits without skipping
What's MINE Is Yours
Adjustment pixel What's MINE Is Yours: Use a MINE-Bot's head to destroy an enemy
2 players