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Samurai Maiden PS5

Samurai Maiden

A young woman from the 21st century with sharp swordsmanship skills finds herself in Honnō-ji during the Sengoku period. Together with a trio of newfound ninja friends, she races through the Underworld beneath Honnō-ji, confronted by enraged corpses at every turn
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Platform: PlayStation 5 icon
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Developer: Shade
Publisher: D3 Publisher
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Adjustment pixel SAMURAI MAIDEN: Acquired all trophies.
Priestess of Harmony
Adjustment pixel Priestess of Harmony: Achieved S on all battlefields across all difficulty levels.
Conquer Normal Mode!
Adjustment pixel Conquer Normal Mode!: Cleared Normal mode.
Conquer Hard Mode!
Adjustment pixel Conquer Hard Mode!: Cleared Hard mode.
Conquer Demonic Mode!
Adjustment pixel Conquer Demonic Mode!: Cleared Demonic mode.
Iyo & Me
Adjustment pixel Iyo & Me: Cleared Iyo's Bubble Pocket.
Hagane & Me
Adjustment pixel Hagane & Me: Cleared Hagane's Bubble Pocket.
Komimi & Me
Adjustment pixel Komimi & Me: Cleared Komimi's Bubble Pocket.
Adjustment pixel Weaponizer: Enhanced a weapon for the first time.
Sword Savant
Adjustment pixel Sword Savant: Enhanced all of Tsumugi's weapons to the max level.
Kunai King
Adjustment pixel Kunai King: Enhanced all of Iyo's weapons to the max level.
Tekko Terrorizer
Adjustment pixel Tekko Terrorizer: Enhanced all of Hagane's weapons to the max level.
Hammer Hero
Adjustment pixel Hammer Hero: Enhanced all of Komimi's weapons to the max level.
Ninja Tool: Bomb's Away
Adjustment pixel Ninja Tool: Bomb's Away: Used a Bomb.
Ninja Tool: Tick, Tick, Boom
Adjustment pixel Ninja Tool: Tick, Tick, Boom: Used a Timed Bomb.
Ninja Tool: Devious Decoys
Adjustment pixel Ninja Tool: Devious Decoys: Used a Decoy.
Ninja Tool: Watch Your Step
Adjustment pixel Ninja Tool: Watch Your Step: Used a Mine.
Ninja Tool: Rapid Recovery
Adjustment pixel Ninja Tool: Rapid Recovery: Used a Recovery Potion.
First Memory
Adjustment pixel First Memory: Unlocked a memory in the Album.
Memories of Iyo
Adjustment pixel Memories of Iyo: Unlocked all memories of Iyo.
Memories of Hagane
Adjustment pixel Memories of Hagane: Unlocked all memories of Hagane.
Memories of Komimi
Adjustment pixel Memories of Komimi: Unlocked all memories of Komimi.
The Unforgettable Underworld
Adjustment pixel The Unforgettable Underworld: Collected all memory fragments.
Ninja Skill: Light It Up
Adjustment pixel Ninja Skill: Light It Up: Activated Iyo's Ninja Skill 1, Tsubame Fireworks.
Ninja Skill: Fists of Fury
Adjustment pixel Ninja Skill: Fists of Fury: Activated Hagane's Ninja Skill 1, Lightning Fist.
Ninja Skill: A Cool Reception
Adjustment pixel Ninja Skill: A Cool Reception: Activated Komimi's Ninja Skill 1, Ice Smash.
Iyo's Ninjutsu, Activate!
Adjustment pixel Iyo's Ninjutsu, Activate!: Activated Iyo's Ninjutsu.
Hagane's Ninjutsu, Activate!
Adjustment pixel Hagane's Ninjutsu, Activate!: Activated Hagane's Ninjutsu.
Komimi's Ninjutsu, Activate!
Adjustment pixel Komimi's Ninjutsu, Activate!: Activated Komimi's Ninjutsu.
When I'm with Iyo...
Adjustment pixel When I'm with Iyo...: Performed Devoted Heart with Iyo.
When I'm with Hagane...
Adjustment pixel When I'm with Hagane...: Performed Devoted Heart with Hagane.
When I'm with Komimi...
Adjustment pixel When I'm with Komimi...: Performed Devoted Heart with Komimi.
Adjustment pixel Disciple: Defeated a total of 1,000 enemies. (1000)
Adjustment pixel Instructor: Defeated a total of 5,000 enemies. (5000)
Adjustment pixel Master: Defeated a total of 15,000 enemies. (15000)
Vanquishing the Tiger of Kai
Adjustment pixel Vanquishing the Tiger of Kai: Defeated Shingen Takeda.
Vanquishing the Dragon of Echigo
Adjustment pixel Vanquishing the Dragon of Echigo: Defeated Kenshin Uesugi.
Vanquishing the Demon Lord
Adjustment pixel Vanquishing the Demon Lord: Defeated the Demon Lord.
6 players