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Robotics;Notes DaSH PS4

Robotics;Notes DaSH

While consumer-use robots receiving the benefits of a networked society are becoming more widespread, the robot rebellion incident in February showed the vulnerability of that sort of information society. While it was a global crisis through the network, it was prevented by high school students of Tanegashima island, where the battle took place.
  • US N/A
  • EU N/A
  • JP January 31, 2019
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon

Developer: Mages
Publisher: 5pb
  • 12 Trophy bronze icon
  • 15 Trophy silver icon
  • 4 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
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Perfectionist of Love, Justice, and Pervertedness
Adjustment pixel Perfectionist of Love, Justice, and Pervertedness: Complete ROBOTICS;NOTES DaSH
I am Itaru Hashida, 29 Years Old
Adjustment pixel I am Itaru Hashida, 29 Years Old: Meet Itaru Hashida
Tropopause Inverter
Adjustment pixel Tropopause Inverter: Start FESTIVAL PHASE 1
Stratopause Capacitor
Adjustment pixel Stratopause Capacitor: Start FESTIVAL PHASE 2
Plasmapause Resistor
Adjustment pixel Plasmapause Resistor: Start PHASE FRAU
Thermopause Emulator
Adjustment pixel Thermopause Emulator: Start PHASE JUNNA
Mesopause Converter
Adjustment pixel Mesopause Converter: Start PHASE AIRI
Exopause Thyristor
Adjustment pixel Exopause Thyristor: Start PHASE SUBARU
Ionopause Thermistor
Adjustment pixel Ionopause Thermistor: Start PHASE NAE
Magnetopause Attenuator
Adjustment pixel Magnetopause Attenuator: Start PHASE AKIHO
Heliopause Processor
Adjustment pixel Heliopause Processor: Start LAST PHASE
But Now... She Looks Good
Adjustment pixel But Now... She Looks Good: Reach Frau's Ending
I Have to Be Me
Adjustment pixel I Have to Be Me: Reach Junna's Ending
My Producer
Adjustment pixel My Producer: Reach Airi's Ending
From Now On, That Is My Dream
Adjustment pixel From Now On, That Is My Dream: Reach Subaru's Ending
Friends Are Precious
Adjustment pixel Friends Are Precious: Reach Nae's Ending
After all... Robots Are Great
Adjustment pixel After all... Robots Are Great: Reach Akiho's Ending
I Know People I Want Everyone to Meet
Adjustment pixel I Know People I Want Everyone to Meet: Reach Itaru's Ending
My Current Location
Adjustment pixel My Current Location: Check your location on deluoode map
Entertain Me, Please
Adjustment pixel Entertain Me, Please: Turned off one geotag set by Ko Kimijima
Playtime Is Over
Adjustment pixel Playtime Is Over: Turned off three geotags set by Ko Kimijima
The Heat Is Getting to Me
Adjustment pixel The Heat Is Getting to Me: Got lost in three or more locations while searching for geotags set by Ko Kimijima
Geotag Maniac
Adjustment pixel Geotag Maniac: Collect 10 geotags
Geotag Expert
Adjustment pixel Geotag Expert: Collect 30 geotags
Geotag Master
Adjustment pixel Geotag Master: Collect 50 geotags
Daru's Tanegashima Vacation Journal #1
Adjustment pixel Daru's Tanegashima Vacation Journal #1: 25% CG Completion
Daru's Tanegashima Vacation Journal #2
Adjustment pixel Daru's Tanegashima Vacation Journal #2: 50% CG Completion
Daru's Tanegashima Vacation Journal #3
Adjustment pixel Daru's Tanegashima Vacation Journal #3: 75% CG Completion
Daru's Tanegashima Vacation Journal #4
Adjustment pixel Daru's Tanegashima Vacation Journal #4: 100% CG Completion
Ready for the Gun Festival
Adjustment pixel Ready for the Gun Festival: View all TIPS
Adjustment pixel Jyakiiin!: Unlock the path to PHASE AKIHO
Okey dokey!
Adjustment pixel Okey dokey!: Unlock the path to LAST PHASE
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