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Revita PS5


In this fast paced twin-stick roguelite platformer, you play as an unnamed child ascending an ominous clocktower in pursuit of their lost memories. Harvest and sacrifice souls to grow your power in order to challenge procedural encounter rooms and intimidating bosses
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Platform: PlayStation 5 icon

Developer: BenStar
Publisher: Dear Villagers
  • 48 Trophy bronze icon
  • 8 Trophy silver icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Sign up or sign in to track these trophies and more.
Platinum Trophy
Adjustment pixel Platinum Trophy: Earn all trophies
Adjustment pixel Revitalized: Return to the station 5 times
Adjustment pixel Broken: Discover a secret room for the first time
Adjustment pixel Hooked: Steal from a shop
False Guardian
Adjustment pixel False Guardian: Beat a corrupted guardian
Adjustment pixel Royalty: Meet with the king of all frogs
Cat Appreciator
Adjustment pixel Cat Appreciator: Pet the cat a total of 10 times
Adjustment pixel Synergized: Get a Synergy
Forest Dweller
Adjustment pixel Forest Dweller: Beat the Gazing Grove
Child of the Forest
Adjustment pixel Child of the Forest: Beat the Gazing Grove without taking a single hit
Adjustment pixel Nearsighted: Defeat Denial, by shooting them while they have their eye open
Sewer Dweller
Adjustment pixel Sewer Dweller: Beat the Fungated Funnels
Child of the Sewer
Adjustment pixel Child of the Sewer: Beat the Fungated Funnels without taking a single hit
Friends till the End
Adjustment pixel Friends till the End: Defeat Anger without defeating any other enemies during the fight
Hive Dweller
Adjustment pixel Hive Dweller: Beat the Hollow Hives
Child of the Hive
Adjustment pixel Child of the Hive: Beat the Hollow Hives without taking a single hit
Library Dweller
Adjustment pixel Library Dweller: Beat the Arid Athenaeum
Child of the Library
Adjustment pixel Child of the Library: Beat the Arid Athenaeum without taking a single hit
Let it Spin
Adjustment pixel Let it Spin: Defeat Bargaining while they are spinning on the ground
Crypt Dweller
Adjustment pixel Crypt Dweller: Beat the Somber Sepulcher
Child of the Crypt
Adjustment pixel Child of the Crypt: Beat the Somber Sepulcher without taking a single hit
Can't outrun your Problems
Adjustment pixel Can't outrun your Problems: Defeat Depression without dashing and without getting hit three times
Spa Dweller
Adjustment pixel Spa Dweller: Beat the Calm Caldarium
Child of the Spa
Adjustment pixel Child of the Spa: Beat the Calm Caldarium without taking a single hit
Tower Dweller
Adjustment pixel Tower Dweller: Beat the Ticking Towertop
Child of the Tower
Adjustment pixel Child of the Tower: Beat the Ticking Towertop without taking a single hit
House Key
Adjustment pixel House Key: The bedroom door is now permanently opened on Shard 5 and above
Unknown Dweller
Adjustment pixel Unknown Dweller: Beat the Last Refuge
Child of the Unknown
Adjustment pixel Child of the Unknown: Beat the Last Refuge without taking a single hit
Old and Forgotten
Adjustment pixel Old and Forgotten: Uncover the Forgotten Station
Maddening Silence
Adjustment pixel Maddening Silence: Uncover the Void
Ready for Arms
Adjustment pixel Ready for Arms: Unlock your first Soul Gun
One Child Army
Adjustment pixel One Child Army: Unlock all Soul Gun types
Gun Expert
Adjustment pixel Gun Expert: Unlock every single Soul Gun variant
So Shiny!
Adjustment pixel So Shiny!: Obtain your first golden Soul Gun
Gun Expert Deluxe
Adjustment pixel Gun Expert Deluxe: Obtain the golden version of every single Soul Gun variation
Further beyond...
Adjustment pixel Further beyond...: Unlock all portal shortcuts at the Technician
Rifts and Riches
Adjustment pixel Rifts and Riches: Enter a golden rift
Wares of Unknown Origin
Adjustment pixel Wares of Unknown Origin: Visit a Black Market
Adjustment pixel SPEEEED: Beat a run in under 20 minutes
Not Even a Scratch
Adjustment pixel Not Even a Scratch: Beat a run without taking a single hit
Adjustment pixel Humble: Beat a run without picking up any Relics along the way (story relics don't count)
Adjustment pixel Loooooop: Beat a full run on at least Loop 5
Adjustment pixel Pacifist: Defeat a boss without shooting once
Free at Last
Adjustment pixel Free at Last: Unlock all Relics at the Imprisoned
Adjustment pixel Expanded: Unlock all expansions at the Tinkerer
Traveling Bard
Adjustment pixel Traveling Bard: Unlock all music pieces from the Fool
Old and Wise
Adjustment pixel Old and Wise: Fully complete the Journal
A Hat on a Hat
Adjustment pixel A Hat on a Hat: Collect all hats
Good Company
Adjustment pixel Good Company: Free all lost souls
Marine Expert
Adjustment pixel Marine Expert: Catch all different types of fish
Lured In
Adjustment pixel Lured In: Obtain every single fishing lure
Complete It!!
Adjustment pixel Complete It!!: Unlock all other secrets
Shard Chaser
Adjustment pixel Shard Chaser: Beat a run on Shard 5
Shard Hunter
Adjustment pixel Shard Hunter: Beat a full run on Shard 10
Shard Conquerer
Adjustment pixel Shard Conquerer: Beat a full run on Shard 20
Shard Obliterator
Adjustment pixel Shard Obliterator: Beat a full run on Shard 30
1 player