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Ratchet: Deadlocked PS3

Ratchet: Deadlocked

Heroes from all over the galaxy have been kidnapped and forced to compete on the leading Holo-Vision program in the criminal Shadow Sector of the Solana galaxy: DreadZone. Ratchet is forced to compete in five increasingly difficult Tournaments to advance in the DreadZone Tournament Rankings.
  • US May 21, 2013
  • EU N/A
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 3 icon

Developer: Insomniac Games
Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment
  • 16 Trophy bronze icon
  • 9 Trophy silver icon
  • 5 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
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Hero of the Shadow Sector
Adjustment pixel Hero of the Shadow Sector: Obtain all Ratchet: Deadlocked™ trophies
The Showstopper
Adjustment pixel The Showstopper: Earn 200,000 Dread Points
4 the Win!
Adjustment pixel 4 the Win!: Collect 4 Million Bolts
Adjustment pixel Perfect!?: Upgrade All Weapons to Level 10
Aiming is Overrated
Adjustment pixel Aiming is Overrated: Purchase the Harbinger Weapon
Maaaaadd Skills!
Adjustment pixel Maaaaadd Skills!: Earn All 165 Skill Points
Line 'em Up
Adjustment pixel Line 'em Up: Earn "In a Row" on Valix
Tri Me . . . .I Dare Ya!
Adjustment pixel Tri Me . . . .I Dare Ya!: Upgrade 3 Weapons to Level 10
Side Questing
Adjustment pixel Side Questing: Earn all the Skill Points on Torval
Show Me The Money
Adjustment pixel Show Me The Money: Earn "Show Me The Money" on the Ghost Station
The Price of Freedom
Adjustment pixel The Price of Freedom: Earn 105 Skill Points
All 4 Me!?
Adjustment pixel All 4 Me!?: Collect 400,000 Bolts
Adjustment pixel Nano-tastic!: Increase Nanotech to 50
Adjustment pixel Epic-Flail: Earn Medieval Power in Valix
Adjustment pixel Dome-mination: Earn All Skill Points in the Dreadzone Battledome
Dodge This . . .
Adjustment pixel Dodge This . . .: Upgrade Any Weapon to Level 10
What Are These 4?
Adjustment pixel What Are These 4?: Collect 40,000 Bolts
Adjustment pixel Shock-King: Earn the 'Can't Hit Me' Skill on Kronos
Adjustment pixel Meltdown: Earn the 'Reactionary' Skill in the Battledome
Buggin' Out
Adjustment pixel Buggin' Out: Earn the 'Eviscerator Raider' Skill in the Battledome
Ace Gets Clubbed
Adjustment pixel Ace Gets Clubbed: Earn the 'Ace In The Hole' Skill in the Battledome
Adjustment pixel Rookie: Earn "I Dare Ya!" on Catacrom Four
Skill Points are Blooming!
Adjustment pixel Skill Points are Blooming!: Earn 60 Skill Points
Runway Robots
Adjustment pixel Runway Robots: Earn 'Dead Again' in Battledome
Going Nowhere Fast
Adjustment pixel Going Nowhere Fast: Earn 50,000 Dread Points
Selective Shooting
Adjustment pixel Selective Shooting: Earn the 'Fodder Follies' Skill on the Ghost Station
Cat Scratch Fever
Adjustment pixel Cat Scratch Fever: Earn the 'Speed Bumps' Skill on Planet Maraxus
Adjustment pixel Spotless: Earn the 'Not a Scratch' Skill on Planet Torval
Death From Above
Adjustment pixel Death From Above: Earn the 'Schooled' Skill on the Valix Belt
Landstalker Talkin'
Adjustment pixel Landstalker Talkin': Earn the 'Light Speed' Skill on Planet Orxon
Gut Wrencher
Adjustment pixel Gut Wrencher: Earn the 'Low Blow' Skill on Planet Stygia
102 players