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Quest for Infamy PS4

Quest for Infamy

Wealth. Women. Wildly offbeat jokes. Lie, cheat, steal, and embrace your inner rogue. Being bad has never felt so good.
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon
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Developer: Infamous Quests
Publisher: Phoenix Online Publishing
  • 28 Trophy bronze icon
  • 6 Trophy silver icon
  • 5 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
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Platinum Infamy
Adjustment pixel Platinum Infamy: Get all other trophies
Act 1
Adjustment pixel Act 1: You've finished Act 1 of Quest for Infamy. Hooray!
Act 2
Adjustment pixel Act 2: No more working for Rayford!
Act 3
Adjustment pixel Act 3: You Win!
Adjustment pixel Sneaky: You're a Rogue.
Adjustment pixel Basher: You're a Brigand.
Hocus Pocus
Adjustment pixel Hocus Pocus: You're a Sorcerer.
Working for the Man
Adjustment pixel Working for the Man: You helped out around the docks of Tyr. For Money.
Let there be Light
Adjustment pixel Let there be Light: Using your brains for a change, as well as some firefly's and a jar, you created light in the swamp.
Puzzles are Hard!
Adjustment pixel Puzzles are Hard!: You defeated the puzzle board.
The Great Unpicker
Adjustment pixel The Great Unpicker: You opened the lock. It really wasn't that hard was it?
Adjustment pixel Perfect!: You achieved a perfect score in archery.
Pitched Your Tent
Adjustment pixel Pitched Your Tent: You stopped sleeping under the stars and bought a tent to sleep in.
Thankfully there's a healer nearby
Adjustment pixel Thankfully there's a healer nearby: You thought you were dead for a moment there, but you woke up in Jerrod's feeling much better.
Collector of Useless Things
Adjustment pixel Collector of Useless Things: You bought the Diamond Tipped Crowbar and the Holy Symbol even though there was no use for them.
Pretty Good Sorcerer
Adjustment pixel Pretty Good Sorcerer: You mastered your spells to a pretty good level. At least they're more powerful now.
Beast Master
Adjustment pixel Beast Master: You killed the beast.
Sir Chat-A-Lot
Adjustment pixel Sir Chat-A-Lot: You talked with everyone in Volksville you needed to speak with to progress to the execution.
Toast of the Town
Adjustment pixel Toast of the Town: You showed Gorth some mercy, deciding that killing him was too much.
You Found It
Adjustment pixel You Found It: You found the thieves den while travelling the Rogue's path.
That's a lot of stuff
Adjustment pixel That's a lot of stuff: You found and created all the magic spells for Prospero while travelling the Sorcerer's path.
Horse Lover
Adjustment pixel Horse Lover: You found and delivered mastadon to Kurdt, your first real task on the path of the Brigand.
Reuniting the Seal
Adjustment pixel Reuniting the Seal: You gathered the four parts of the Killington seal and locked them together.
Good Old Stories
Adjustment pixel Good Old Stories: You met Japsworth and listened to his stories about the Killington family.
Reading is fundamental
Adjustment pixel Reading is fundamental: You read the books in the library of Tyr and discovered the legacy of the Killingtons.
Paying for information
Adjustment pixel Paying for information: You paid the hunter to give you information on the moonshiner's whereabouts.
Paying with food
Adjustment pixel Paying with food: You gave food to the hunter to give you information on the moonshiner's whereabouts.
Green is the new white
Adjustment pixel Green is the new white: Using your dyed green cloak, you managed to get into the Morroi compound.
Sewer Rat
Adjustment pixel Sewer Rat: You reached the Morroi compound by trekking through the sewers in the swamp.
What's his name again?
Adjustment pixel What's his name again?: You killed the leader of the Morroi, Uotarragh in hand to multiple hand combat.
Blackbird No Longer Singing
Adjustment pixel Blackbird No Longer Singing: You stole the bird while travelling the path of the Rogue.
It's not easy being green
Adjustment pixel It's not easy being green: You completed the necromancer quest.
Kraken Good Times
Adjustment pixel Kraken Good Times: You defeated the Kraken in the dwarven mines.
You look like a dwarf
Adjustment pixel You look like a dwarf: You looted every available container, drum and stash in the mines.
Jan loves you
Adjustment pixel Jan loves you: You convinced Jan to help you get into Tyr and overthrow Rayford.
A Paladin loves you
Adjustment pixel A Paladin loves you: You freed all the prisoners from Rayford's dungeon and they helped you during the siege of Tyr.
Friends in high places
Adjustment pixel Friends in high places: You rescued the council of Tyr and they helped you to retake the city from Rayford and his lackeys.
Adjustment pixel Smoked!: You used the green smoke bombs you obtained from Jerrod to help get into Tyr.
He deserved worse!
Adjustment pixel He deserved worse!: You killed Rayford after you final confrontation with him.
Don't mess with Jan
Adjustment pixel Don't mess with Jan: Showed mercy to Rayford after your final confrontation. But Jan finished him off anyway.
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