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Puyo Puyo Tetris PS4

Puyo Puyo Tetris

Sega brings us a game of pure gameplay in a mashup between the blob-dropping Puyo Puyo and the classic block dropper Tetris in what is poised to be a super balanced, sometimes very frustrating, competitive puzzle game.

With very careful gameplay mechanics Puyo Puyo Tetris seems to have come up with a whole new set of rules to combine two seemingly similar, but fundamentally different gametypes. There are many modes featuring different iterations of this combination; 4 player offline and online co-op is also a blast to play!
  • US N/A
  • EU N/A
  • JP December 4, 2014
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon
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Developer: Sega
Publisher: Sega
  • 30 Trophy bronze icon
  • 9 Trophy silver icon
  • 3 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
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Master of Both Worlds
Adjustment pixel Master of Both Worlds: Acquired all trophies
Competitor (Arcade)
Adjustment pixel Competitor (Arcade): Played all 5 Arcade modes
Duelist (x3)
Adjustment pixel Duelist (x3): Defeated 3 opponents in an Endurance match
Duelist (x5)
Adjustment pixel Duelist (x5): Defeated 5 opponents in an Endurance match
Duelist (x10)
Adjustment pixel Duelist (x10): Defeated 10 opponents in an Endurance match
Competitor (Puyo Puyo)
Adjustment pixel Competitor (Puyo Puyo): Played all 3 Puyo Puyo Challenge modes
Competitor (Tetris)
Adjustment pixel Competitor (Tetris): Played all 3 Tetris Challenge modes
Adjustment pixel Historian: Completed the main story within Adventure mode and watched the ending
Gladiator (x1)
Adjustment pixel Gladiator (x1): Won your first Puzzle League match
Prize Fighter
Adjustment pixel Prize Fighter: Won your first Free Play match
Adjustment pixel Wanderer: Achieved 50% completion in Adventure mode
Duelist (x15)
Adjustment pixel Duelist (x15): Defeated 15 opponents in an Endurance match
Adjustment pixel Devotee: Achieved 70% completion in Adventure mode
Gladiator (x10)
Adjustment pixel Gladiator (x10): Won 10 Puzzle League matches
Adjustment pixel Completionist: Achieved 100% completion in Adventure mode
Puyo King (x1,000)
Adjustment pixel Puyo King (x1,000): Popped 1,000 Puyos in completed matches
Puyo King (x10,000)
Adjustment pixel Puyo King (x10,000): Popped 10,000 Puyos in completed matches
3-Chain Master
Adjustment pixel 3-Chain Master: Performed a 3-Chain 100 times in completed matches
4-Chain Master
Adjustment pixel 4-Chain Master: Performed a 4-Chain 100 times in completed matches
5-Chain Master
Adjustment pixel 5-Chain Master: Performed a 5-Chain 100 times in completed matches
6-Chain Master
Adjustment pixel 6-Chain Master: Performed a 6-Chain 100 times in completed matches
Screen Cleaner (x50)
Adjustment pixel Screen Cleaner (x50): Performed an All Clear 50 times in completed matches
Screen Cleaner (x100)
Adjustment pixel Screen Cleaner (x100): Performed an All Clear 100 times in completed matches
Chromatic Popper
Adjustment pixel Chromatic Popper: Popped 3 different-colored Puyo groups simultaneously in a completed match
Prismatic Popper
Adjustment pixel Prismatic Popper: Popped 4 different-colored Puyo groups simultaneously in a completed match
Puyo King (x50,000)
Adjustment pixel Puyo King (x50,000): Popped 50,000 Puyos in completed matches
7-Chain Master
Adjustment pixel 7-Chain Master: Performed a 7-Chain 150 times in completed matches
Screen Cleaner (x150)
Adjustment pixel Screen Cleaner (x150): Performed an All Clear 150 times in completed matches
Puyo King (x100,000)
Adjustment pixel Puyo King (x100,000): Popped 100,000 Puyos in completed matches
Mino King (x1,000)
Adjustment pixel Mino King (x1,000): Cleared 1,000 Minos in completed matches
Mino King (x10,000)
Adjustment pixel Mino King (x10,000): Cleared 10,000 Minos in completed matches
Tetris Champ (x50)
Adjustment pixel Tetris Champ (x50): Performed a Tetris Line Clear 50 times in completed matches
Tetris Champ (x100)
Adjustment pixel Tetris Champ (x100): Performed a Tetris Line Clear 100 times in completed matches
Show Off (x25)
Adjustment pixel Show Off (x25): Performed a Back-to-Back 25 times in completed matches
Show Off (x50)
Adjustment pixel Show Off (x50): Performed a Back-to-Back 50 times in completed matches
Combo Maker
Adjustment pixel Combo Maker: Performed a 5-Combo in a completed match
Combo Master
Adjustment pixel Combo Master: Performed an 8-Combo in a completed match
Perfectionist (x1)
Adjustment pixel Perfectionist (x1): Performed a Perfect Clear in a completed match
Perfectionist (x3)
Adjustment pixel Perfectionist (x3): Performed a Perfect Clear 3 times in completed matches
Mino King (x50,000)
Adjustment pixel Mino King (x50,000): Cleared 50,000 Minos in completed matches
Tetris Champ (x200)
Adjustment pixel Tetris Champ (x200): Performed a Tetris Line Clear 200 times in completed matches
Show Off (x100)
Adjustment pixel Show Off (x100): Performed a Back-to-Back 100 times in completed matches
Mino King (x100,000)
Adjustment pixel Mino King (x100,000): Cleared 100,000 Minos in completed matches
42 players