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Pirates Outlaws PS4

Pirates Outlaws

Pirates Outlaws is a roguelike card game in which you navigate dangerous seas and challenge their masters. Your expedition will be full of ambushes and will not be easy. Build your deck and combos to become a reputed pirate.
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon

Developer: Fabled Game
Publisher: Fabled Game
  • 34 Trophy bronze icon
  • 11 Trophy silver icon
  • 2 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
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The Pirate Outlaw
Adjustment pixel The Pirate Outlaw: Complete all trophies.
Rookie Captain
Adjustment pixel Rookie Captain: Complete the tutorial.
Ten Thousand Bodies
Adjustment pixel Ten Thousand Bodies: Defeat 10,000 enemies.
The More the Merrier
Adjustment pixel The More the Merrier: Have 30 or more cards in your deck when you complete a game.
Carefully Selected
Adjustment pixel Carefully Selected: Have 5 or less cards in your deck when you complete a game.
Iron Rooster
Adjustment pixel Iron Rooster: Have more than 1000 Coins when you complete a game.
Second Life
Adjustment pixel Second Life: Use Lucky Clover to revive yourself and complete a game.
Blacksmith's Holiday
Adjustment pixel Blacksmith's Holiday: Complete a game without upgrading any cards at the Market.
No Return
Adjustment pixel No Return: Complete a game with 0 AP remaining.
Adjustment pixel Myopic: Complete a game without any ranged cards in your deck.
Inept Swordsman
Adjustment pixel Inept Swordsman: Complete a game without any melee cards in your deck.
One Shot, One Kill
Adjustment pixel One Shot, One Kill: Deal more than 100 damage in 1 attack.
Around the Corner
Adjustment pixel Around the Corner: Find the Holy Water.
Final Weapon
Adjustment pixel Final Weapon: Defeat the Mechanical Kraken.
Double Major
Adjustment pixel Double Major: Complete a game with Gunner and have at least 5 melee cards in your deck.
Strong Physique
Adjustment pixel Strong Physique: Complete a game with Swordmaster without healing your HP at the Tavern.
High Requirements
Adjustment pixel High Requirements: Complete a game with Explorer and never own more than 1 relic during your journey.
Adjustment pixel Purified: Complete a game with Curse Captain without any curse cards in your deck.
Great Witch
Adjustment pixel Great Witch: Complete a game with Alchemist without any Shoot, Punch or Wooden Shield cards in your deck.
Keep Calm
Adjustment pixel Keep Calm: Complete a game with Carpenter without becoming Overloaded.
Adjustment pixel Specialization: Finish with Musician and only one of these in your deck: Offensive Stance, Masque or Impromptu.
The Chosen One
Adjustment pixel The Chosen One: Complete a game with Vigilante and never get Unlucky when you have less than 40 HP.
Master of Fate
Adjustment pixel Master of Fate: Complete a game with Fortune Teller with no attack cards in your deck.
Bear Power
Adjustment pixel Bear Power: Complete a game with Bear Tamer, and the damage of the bear reaches 20 in the final boss battle.
Perfect Victory
Adjustment pixel Perfect Victory: Complete a game with Unknown Captain, and finish the final boss battle with full HP.
Organ Transplant
Adjustment pixel Organ Transplant: Complete a game with Doctor with at least 100 max HP.
Monster Hunter
Adjustment pixel Monster Hunter: Defeat the Kraken with Chicken.
Wood Master
Adjustment pixel Wood Master: Defeat Puppet Master with Inventor.
Fallen from Grace
Adjustment pixel Fallen from Grace: Have less than 100 Coins when you complete a game with Admiral.
Adjustment pixel Relief: Free the specters of Elysians.
New Era
Adjustment pixel New Era: Save Port Elysia.
Adjustment pixel End: Destroy Port Elysia.
Adjustment pixel Reputed: Reach 9999 Repute and unlock Hard mode.
Adjustment pixel Easy: Complete a game in Hard Mode with every character.
True Champion
Adjustment pixel True Champion: Win Arena 100.
Adjustment pixel Fearless: In Arena 10, beat Unknown Slave with Chain in your hand.
Face to Face
Adjustment pixel Face to Face: In Arena 20, beat Lucy Weston in your first turn.
Adjustment pixel Blitzkrieg: In Arena 30, beat The Impostor before he transforms.
Surgical Strike
Adjustment pixel Surgical Strike: In Arena 40, beat Coco without defeating any undead dogs.
No Revive
Adjustment pixel No Revive: In Arena 50, beat Norn before he summon undead minions.
I Don't Need
Adjustment pixel I Don't Need: In Arena 60, beat Ronin and never get any healing in this battle.
Adjustment pixel Welcome: In Arena 70, beat Monkey Brothers and use 10 Poisoned Banana.
Adjustment pixel Unimpeachable: In Arena 80, beat Sleepy Hollow when you have max armor (equal to max hp).
Fair Treatment
Adjustment pixel Fair Treatment: In Arena 90, beat the 3 Spiritias in the same turn.
Scare the Giant
Adjustment pixel Scare the Giant: In Arena 100, let "The Giant" escape with full HP.
Full pint
Adjustment pixel Full pint: Complete a game in Tavern Brawl with 16 different characters.
Adjustment pixel Sober: Complete a game in Tavern Brawl and never get Drunk.
Adjustment pixel Cheers: Defeat the Tavern Keeper when both you and her are Drunk.
1 player