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Ping Redux PS5

Ping Redux

Ping Redux has 100+ levels including 12 bosses that are inspired by classic games to help keep the gameplay varied. Bounce off the walls and obstacles and reach the succulent tasty orange.
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Platform: PlayStation 5 icon
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Developer: Nami Tentou
Publisher: Nami Tentou
  • 5 Trophy bronze icon
  • 21 Trophy silver icon
  • 3 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
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All Trophies Unlocked!
Adjustment pixel All Trophies Unlocked!: All trophies were unlocked.
You died!
Adjustment pixel You died!: The first of many deaths.
World 2 Unlocked!
Adjustment pixel World 2 Unlocked!: Good job! You beat the basic tutorial world!
World 3 Unlocked!
Adjustment pixel World 3 Unlocked!: Now you're getting somewhere.
World 4 Unlocked!
Adjustment pixel World 4 Unlocked!: Yeah, okay.
World 5 Unlocked!
Adjustment pixel World 5 Unlocked!: Even though things were hard to see at times, you managed to beat it!
World 6 Unlocked!
Adjustment pixel World 6 Unlocked!: Congrats! Even your mom would be proud of you!
World 7 Unlocked!
Adjustment pixel World 7 Unlocked!: Generic win message.
World 8 Unlocked!
Adjustment pixel World 8 Unlocked!: You've made it to the final world!
World 9 Unlocked!
Adjustment pixel World 9 Unlocked!: Oh wait, there is more? This isn't your traditional retro game, now is it?
World 10 Unlocked!
Adjustment pixel World 10 Unlocked!: Now you're being "pointed" into the right direction!
World 11 Unlocked!
Adjustment pixel World 11 Unlocked!: What if the game stopped after this world? That'd be weird, huh?
World 12 Unlocked!
Adjustment pixel World 12 Unlocked!: You unlocked the final world. Praise be unto the cubes.
Trophy trophy!
Adjustment pixel Trophy trophy!: You finally got a trophy in PING REDUX+™! Good job! Here is a trophy for getting a trophy!
Boss 1 Defeated!
Adjustment pixel Boss 1 Defeated!: The first step to an angular universe.
Boss 2 Defeated!
Adjustment pixel Boss 2 Defeated!: Another one bites the dust.
Boss 3 Defeated!
Adjustment pixel Boss 3 Defeated!: You really commanded that battle pretty well!
Boss 4 Defeated!
Adjustment pixel Boss 4 Defeated!: You really are the bomb!
Boss 5 Defeated!
Adjustment pixel Boss 5 Defeated!: That was a'maze'ing!
Boss 6 Defeated!
Adjustment pixel Boss 6 Defeated!: ERROR! DESCRIPTION NOT FOUND.
Boss 7 Defeated!
Adjustment pixel Boss 7 Defeated!: You really 'alien'ated those enemies!
Boss 8 Defeated!
Adjustment pixel Boss 8 Defeated!: You finally killed Master Sphere... or did you?
Boss 9 Defeated!
Adjustment pixel Boss 9 Defeated!: OH MY GOSH THAT WAS SO MANY OF THEM!
Boss 10 Defeated!
Adjustment pixel Boss 10 Defeated!: You stopped all bases from being taken.
Boss 11 Defeated!
Adjustment pixel Boss 11 Defeated!: They were firing their lasers and you survived.
Boss 12 Defeated!
Adjustment pixel Boss 12 Defeated!: That'll do PING. That'll do.
Over 4000 Bounces!
Adjustment pixel Over 4000 Bounces!: Let's bounce out of here.
Over 750 Shots!
Adjustment pixel Over 750 Shots!: That's a lot of shots! Go get a life!
Watched High Budget Ending!
Adjustment pixel Watched High Budget Ending!: Wow. Much win.
1000 Deaths
Adjustment pixel 1000 Deaths: Sadist.
22 players