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Parkitect PS5


Parkitect is a business simulation game that charges you with the construction and management of theme parks. Bringing back the best of classic theme park games with many new features and content on top. Now supports online co-op with up to 8 players
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Platform: PlayStation 5 icon
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Developer: Texel Raptor
Publisher: Texel Raptor
  • 14 Trophy bronze icon
  • 13 Trophy silver icon
  • 5 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Sign up or sign in to track these trophies and more.
Graduated in entertainment
Adjustment pixel Graduated in entertainment: Obtain all trophies
A Good Record
Adjustment pixel A Good Record: Maintain a profitable park
Cold Hard Cash (Tier 1)
Adjustment pixel Cold Hard Cash (Tier 1): Earn $10,000 within a single year
Popular Park (Tier 1)
Adjustment pixel Popular Park (Tier 1): Have 500 guests in your park
Cold Hard Cash (Tier 2)
Adjustment pixel Cold Hard Cash (Tier 2): Earn $25,000 within a single year
Dirty Jobs
Adjustment pixel Dirty Jobs: Clean 50 shops
World Class Park
Adjustment pixel World Class Park: Earn a high park rating
Adjustment pixel Foodie: Sell a total of 10,000 food products across all parks
The Big Boss
Adjustment pixel The Big Boss: Hire 100 employees
Adjustment pixel Thrillseekers: Build an intense but popular coaster
Cold Hard Cash (Tier 3)
Adjustment pixel Cold Hard Cash (Tier 3): Earn $50,000 within a single year
Popular Park (Tier 2)
Adjustment pixel Popular Park (Tier 2): Have 1,000 guests in your park
Familiar Faces
Adjustment pixel Familiar Faces: Have an important guest visit the park
Harmless Gamma Radiation
Adjustment pixel Harmless Gamma Radiation: Check on the guests by applying a filter
Adjustment pixel Hoarder: Have $100,000 in cash
Globophobia (Tier 1)
Adjustment pixel Globophobia (Tier 1): Pop a balloon
Adjustment pixel Amusemineer: Build 100 rides
Popular Park (Tier 3)
Adjustment pixel Popular Park (Tier 3): Have 1,500 guests in your park
Payback Time
Adjustment pixel Payback Time: Pay back 10 loans
Adjustment pixel Marketeer: Run 10 TV ads
Lab Assistant
Adjustment pixel Lab Assistant: Research 100 rides
Fun out of 10!
Adjustment pixel Fun out of 10!: Build a coaster with an Excitement rating of at least 75 and Intensity and Nausea of 40 or less
Demographic Data
Adjustment pixel Demographic Data: Run 5 market research campaigns
Swing the Hammer
Adjustment pixel Swing the Hammer: Ban 50 vandals
Adjustment pixel Nuisance: Pop a few balloons of your guests
Overly Attached
Adjustment pixel Overly Attached: Have a guest stay in the park time for over 10 years
The Parkitect
Adjustment pixel The Parkitect: Finish all campaign modes
A True Tycoon
Adjustment pixel A True Tycoon: Earn a total of $100,000,000 across all parks
Globophobia (Tier 2)
Adjustment pixel Globophobia (Tier 2): Pop 99 balloons
Adjustment pixel Completionist: Finish all campaign modes with all optional goals
Adjustment pixel Crowded: Your parks are visited by 100,000 people in total
Wild Ride
Adjustment pixel Wild Ride: Have a ride that takes longer than 1 in game year to complete a trip
Adrenaline Megalopolis
Adjustment pixel Adrenaline Megalopolis: Build every ride
1 player