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Obut Petanque 2 PS3

Obut Petanque 2

Obut Petanque 2 is developed by Kylotonn and published by BigBen Interactive.
  • US N/A
  • EU N/A
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 3 icon

Developer: Kylotonn
Publisher: Bigben Interactive
  • 16 Trophy bronze icon
  • 9 Trophy silver icon
  • 6 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Sign up or sign in to track these trophies and more.
Petanque King!
Adjustment pixel Petanque King!: Unlock all Trophies
Loyal consumer
Adjustment pixel Loyal consumer: Buy an item in the shop
Adjustment pixel Sniper!: Score 50 points during a precision match
Buy them all!
Adjustment pixel Buy them all!: Buy everything in the shop
Eagle eye
Adjustment pixel Eagle eye: Score 75 points during a precision match
Adjustment pixel Fanny!: Win a match without letting your opponent score any points in Easy Level
Who’s Fanny now?
Adjustment pixel Who’s Fanny now?: Win a match without letting your opponent score any points in Medium Level
The Fanny Master
Adjustment pixel The Fanny Master: Win a match without letting your opponent score any points in Hard Level
Nice Start
Adjustment pixel Nice Start: Win a game
Great win!
Adjustment pixel Great win!: Win a match while beating your opponent by at least 7 points (in a 13 point match)
I understand Petanque...
Adjustment pixel I understand Petanque...: Finish the Tutorial
Professional thrower
Adjustment pixel Professional thrower: Score 25 points during a precision match
Ultimate player
Adjustment pixel Ultimate player: Maximize the stats of one player in your team
Ultimate team
Adjustment pixel Ultimate team: Maximize the stats of at least 3 players in your team
Prince of the Tournament
Adjustment pixel Prince of the Tournament: Win 15 tournaments in Career mode
Adjustment pixel Finally...: Win 4 championships in Career mode
Good end
Adjustment pixel Good end: Win an end 2-0
Great end!
Adjustment pixel Great end!: Win an end 3-0
A great experience
Adjustment pixel A great experience: Buy 30 skill levels
More levels please!
Adjustment pixel More levels please!: Buy 40 skills levels
Never enough!
Adjustment pixel Never enough!: Buy 60 skills levels
Adjustment pixel Carreau: Make a carreau
Carreau Hero!
Adjustment pixel Carreau Hero!: Make a carreau 6 times in a game
Surgical strike...
Adjustment pixel Surgical strike...: Make a pointer shot within 5cm of the jack
A little practice?
Adjustment pixel A little practice?: Complete 50 training sessions
All or nothing...
Adjustment pixel All or nothing...: Go from losing to winning on the last throw of the end
Is there a problem?
Adjustment pixel Is there a problem?: Come back from 7 points down to win
Nothing ventured, nothing gained
Adjustment pixel Nothing ventured, nothing gained: Involve the same member in all Training sessions between two championship matches
I'm a fighter!
Adjustment pixel I'm a fighter!: Win 3 championship games in a row
Hardcore gamer
Adjustment pixel Hardcore gamer: Play 100 games in Career mode
Petanque Veteran
Adjustment pixel Petanque Veteran: Win 100 games in Career mode
Super Smash!
Adjustment pixel Super Smash!: Hit two opposing boules with a single throw
8 players