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Moonscars PS5


Push the limits of your combat skills, and master new abilities to progress through an unforgiving nonlinear 2D world. Face off against the relentless darkness that seeks to destroy you. In Moonscars, every death is a lesson learnt—and as you overcome each challenge, new truths will be revealed.
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Platform: PlayStation 5 icon
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Developer: Black Mermaid
Publisher: Humble Games
  • 17 Trophy bronze icon
  • 11 Trophy silver icon
  • 5 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
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Adjustment pixel Moonscarred: Obtained all throphies!
The First Mould
Adjustment pixel The First Mould: Cast the very first clayborn mould.
Broken Reflection
Adjustment pixel Broken Reflection: Slay the first doppelganger of Grey Irma.
She Craves
Adjustment pixel She Craves: Fall under Moonhunger first time.
The Redemption
Adjustment pixel The Redemption: Alleviate Moonhunger first time.
Try Them All
Adjustment pixel Try Them All: Discover all types of Special Weapons.
Hardened Witch
Adjustment pixel Hardened Witch: Learn a witchery of greatest power.
Adjustment pixel Slice'N'Dice: Maximize regular weapon damage.
Flow of Ichor
Adjustment pixel Flow of Ichor: Maximize Ichor Gauge.
Tough Clay
Adjustment pixel Tough Clay: Maximize Health Gauge.
Gems Holder
Adjustment pixel Gems Holder: Equip gemstones in all slots.
Traitor's Lot
Adjustment pixel Traitor's Lot: Slay Traitor Chokran of the Pristines.
Adjustment pixel Innocence: Slay Gniewko, the Royal Infant.
Lost Friend
Adjustment pixel Lost Friend: Slay Sweet Wanda of the Pristines.
The Last Night
Adjustment pixel The Last Night: Slay Cruel Lajos of the Pristines.
Cleft Moon
Adjustment pixel Cleft Moon: Slay your shadow and cleave the Moon.
Adjustment pixel Finale: Slay Zoran, the Sculptor.
Inevitable Cruelty
Adjustment pixel Inevitable Cruelty: Kind doppel is killed.
Aid from Yourself
Adjustment pixel Aid from Yourself: Kind doppel returned to help.
Feed the Cat
Adjustment pixel Feed the Cat: Etalag survived to the end.
Not The Same
Adjustment pixel Not The Same: Yarema returned as clayborn.
Child's Gifts
Adjustment pixel Child's Gifts: Adelinka: player received tier 3 reward.
No Place To Hide
Adjustment pixel No Place To Hide: Karina: died eventually from Moonhunger.
Joys of Motherhood
Adjustment pixel Joys of Motherhood: Horpyna: recieved fired baby clayborn.
The King's Speech
Adjustment pixel The King's Speech: King Drahan: player listened to all stories.
The Cruel Queen
Adjustment pixel The Cruel Queen: Yadwiga: enthroned.
Farewell, friend
Adjustment pixel Farewell, friend: Ion: departed from the kingdom.
The Spiked End
Adjustment pixel The Spiked End: 25 enemies dies from spikes. (25)
Bloody Carnage
Adjustment pixel Bloody Carnage: 5 enemies killed in under 3 seconds.
Gland Trafficker
Adjustment pixel Gland Trafficker: 10 glands spent (trade, reroll, etc.) (10)
Heavy Hand
Adjustment pixel Heavy Hand: Stunned 50 enemies. (50)
The Delayed End
Adjustment pixel The Delayed End: 25 enemies died from status effects. (25)
Hands off!
Adjustment pixel Hands off!: Parried enemies (successfully) 50 times. (50)
Mould. Die. Repeat.
Adjustment pixel Mould. Die. Repeat.: Died 10 times. (10)
16 players