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Madagascar Kartz PS3

Madagascar Kartz

Jump behind the wheel and drive yourself wild as you play as Alex, Marty, Gloria, Melman, King Julien or those crafty penguins! You can power-up and perform zany jumps, outlandish flips, and radical rolls on amazing tracks from the world of Madagascar, including the New York City Zoo, the plane crash site, the volcano, plus many more.

Keep an edge on your wild competitors with cool pickups, such as power boosts,
  • US October 23, 2009
  • EU October 27, 2009
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 3 icon

Developer: Sidhe
Publisher: Activision
  • 37 Trophy bronze icon
  • 12 Trophy silver icon
  • 1 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Sign up or sign in to track these trophies and more.
Madagascar Kartz Champ
Adjustment pixel Madagascar Kartz Champ: Get every trophy in the game.
Finish Line Frenzy
Adjustment pixel Finish Line Frenzy: Finish any race in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd Place.
Zany Zoo Champ
Adjustment pixel Zany Zoo Champ: Finish Zany Zoo Cup in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd Place.
Wild and Wacky Champ
Adjustment pixel Wild and Wacky Champ: Finish Wild and Wacky Cup in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd Place.
Fabulous Freak Champ
Adjustment pixel Fabulous Freak Champ: Finish Fabulous Freak Cup in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd Place.
Bump Free
Adjustment pixel Bump Free: Complete a lap without bumping into a wall.
Triple Stunt
Adjustment pixel Triple Stunt: Do a 3 stunt combo in any race.
5 Stunt Flyer
Adjustment pixel 5 Stunt Flyer: Do a 5 stunt combo in any race.
Alex License
Adjustment pixel Alex License: Win a Quick race or a Championship race with Alex.
Marty License
Adjustment pixel Marty License: Win a Quick race or a Championship race with Marty.
Melman License
Adjustment pixel Melman License: Win a Quick race or a Championship race with Melman.
Gloria License
Adjustment pixel Gloria License: Win a Quick race or a Championship race with Gloria.
Penguins License
Adjustment pixel Penguins License: Win a Quick race or a Championship race with the Penguins.
Chimps License
Adjustment pixel Chimps License: Win a Quick race or a Championship race with the Chimps.
B.O.B. License
Adjustment pixel B.O.B. License: Win a Quick race or a Championship race with B.O.B.
Shrek License
Adjustment pixel Shrek License: Win a Quick race or a Championship race with Shrek.
Julien License
Adjustment pixel Julien License: Win a Quick race or a Championship race with Julien.
50CC Master
Adjustment pixel 50CC Master: Come in first in all 50CC championships.
100CC Master
Adjustment pixel 100CC Master: Come in first in all 100CC championships.
150CC Master
Adjustment pixel 150CC Master: Come in first in all 150CC championships.
200CC Master
Adjustment pixel 200CC Master: Come in first in all 200CC championships.
Just Plane Stunts
Adjustment pixel Just Plane Stunts: Perform a 3 stunt combo on Plane Wreck.
Forgot My Trunks
Adjustment pixel Forgot My Trunks: Complete a race in Shark Beach without falling in the water.
Foosa Flipout
Adjustment pixel Foosa Flipout: Perform a 2 back flip combo on Foosa Rocks.
NYC Air Freight
Adjustment pixel NYC Air Freight: Grab an Item Crate from above the water in NYC Zoo.
Danger Freighter
Adjustment pixel Danger Freighter: Perform a 4 stunt combo on Freighter.
Fire Proof
Adjustment pixel Fire Proof: Complete a race on Volcano without falling in the lava.
Log Dodge
Adjustment pixel Log Dodge: Complete Shrek Swamp without getting hit by swinging logs.
Ziggidy Zap
Adjustment pixel Ziggidy Zap: Complete a race in Monsters vs. Aliens™ Mothership without getting zapped by the clones.
Going on Safari
Adjustment pixel Going on Safari: Complete a race in Watering Hole crossing the Hippo pond and avoiding the Giraffes.
Plane Wreck Gold Medalist
Adjustment pixel Plane Wreck Gold Medalist: Beat the 50CC Time Trial Gold Medal time in Plane Wreck.
Foosa Rocks Gold Medalist
Adjustment pixel Foosa Rocks Gold Medalist: Beat the 50CC Time Trial Gold Medal time in Foosa Rocks.
NYC Zoo Gold Medalist
Adjustment pixel NYC Zoo Gold Medalist: Beat the 100CC Time Trial Gold Medal time in NYC Zoo.
Freighter Gold
Adjustment pixel Freighter Gold: Beat the 100CC Time Trial Gold Medal time in Freighter.
Shark Beach Gold Medalist
Adjustment pixel Shark Beach Gold Medalist: Beat the 150CC Time Trial Gold Medal time in Shark Beach.
Volcano Gold Medalist
Adjustment pixel Volcano Gold Medalist: Beat the 200CC Time Trial Gold Medal time in Volcano.
Mothership Gold Medalist
Adjustment pixel Mothership Gold Medalist: Beat the 150CC Time Trial Gold Medal time in Monsters vs. Aliens™ Mothership.
Shrek Swamp Gold Medalist
Adjustment pixel Shrek Swamp Gold Medalist: Beat the 200CC Time Trial Gold Medal time in Shrek Swamp.
Watering Hole Gold Medalist
Adjustment pixel Watering Hole Gold Medalist: Beat the 150CC Time Trial Gold Medal time in Watering Hole.
Checkpoint Beginner
Adjustment pixel Checkpoint Beginner: Collect 10 Hourglasses in one Single Player Checkpoint Race.
Multiplayer Checkpoint Beginner
Adjustment pixel Multiplayer Checkpoint Beginner: Collect 10 Hourglasses each in one Multiplayer Checkpoint Race.
Checkpoint Driver
Adjustment pixel Checkpoint Driver: Collect 25 Hourglasses in one Single Player Checkpoint Race.
Multiplayer Checkpoint Driver
Adjustment pixel Multiplayer Checkpoint Driver: Collect 25 Hourglasses each in one Multiplayer Checkpoint Race.
Checkpoint Master
Adjustment pixel Checkpoint Master: Collect 40 Hourglasses in one Single Player Checkpoint Race.
Multiplayer Checkpoint Master
Adjustment pixel Multiplayer Checkpoint Master: Collect 40 Hourglasses each in one Multiplayer Checkpoint Race.
Move It! Move It! 50CC Hustler
Adjustment pixel Move It! Move It! 50CC Hustler: Win a 50CC single player Move It! Move It! race.
Move It! Move It! 100CC Rocker
Adjustment pixel Move It! Move It! 100CC Rocker: Win a 100CC single player Move It! Move It! race.
Move It! Move It! 150CC Stepper
Adjustment pixel Move It! Move It! 150CC Stepper: Win a 150CC single player Move It! Move It! race.
Move It! Move It! 200CC Jammer
Adjustment pixel Move It! Move It! 200CC Jammer: Win a 200CC single player Move It! Move It! race.
Mango Collector
Adjustment pixel Mango Collector: Collect 5,000 Mangos.
More Fruit!
Adjustment pixel More Fruit!: Collect 10,000 Mangos.
94 players