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Lost Ruins PS4

Lost Ruins

Lost Ruins is a 2D side-scrolling survival action game, where you play as a young girl that has awoken in a strange and foreign place without her memories. Explore a dark and dangerous world, battle hideous monsters, and topple incredible bosses.
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon

Developer: Altari Games
Publisher: Dangen Entertainment
  • 30 Trophy bronze icon
  • 5 Trophy silver icon
  • 5 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
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The Conqueror of Ruins
Adjustment pixel The Conqueror of Ruins: Complete all the challenges
Arrive Home
Adjustment pixel Arrive Home: Arrive at the one true ending
Art Collector
Adjustment pixel Art Collector: Unlock every art piece
Artifact Collector
Adjustment pixel Artifact Collector: Collect every artifact
Adjustment pixel Assassin: Complete Assassin Mode
Boss Killer
Adjustment pixel Boss Killer: Defeat every boss
Bug Hunter
Adjustment pixel Bug Hunter: Defeat 60 bugs
Adjustment pixel Cryomancer: Defeat 50 enemies with ice spells
Adjustment pixel Explorer: Visit every area
Ghost Buster
Adjustment pixel Ghost Buster: Defeat 10 Banshees
Adjustment pixel Gladiator: Defeat 47 enemies with a Gladius
Goblin Tales
Adjustment pixel Goblin Tales: Hear all of the Goblin Merchant's tales
Adjustment pixel Hardboiled: Complete Hardcore Mode
Holy Knight
Adjustment pixel Holy Knight: Defeat 20 enemies with a Holy Sword
Adjustment pixel Hoarder: Collect every piece of equipment
Adjustment pixel Iconoclasm: Destroy 5 icons
Adjustment pixel Inquisitor: Defeat 66 Demon or Undead enemies
Adjustment pixel Librarian: Collect every record
Adjustment pixel Lumberjack: Defeat 30 Plant monsters
Adjustment pixel Marksman: Inflict 50 critical hits with a Bow
Meat Lover
Adjustment pixel Meat Lover: Consume 100 Meat items
Money Swag
Adjustment pixel Money Swag: Earn 999 gold
Adjustment pixel Necromancer: Defeat 44 enemies with Corpse Absorption spells
Adjustment pixel Oops: Block 50 Attacks
Orcs Must Die!
Adjustment pixel Orcs Must Die!: Defeat 5 Orcs
Adjustment pixel Pyromancer: Defeat 50 enemies with Fire spells
Adjustment pixel Reincarnation: Discover another ending
Adjustment pixel Roughneck: Defeat 50 enemies with a Sledgehammer
Rune Master
Adjustment pixel Rune Master: Defeat 30 enemies with Runic spells
Shield Crusher
Adjustment pixel Shield Crusher: Land 50 attacks on enemies by penetrating their shields
Sling of David
Adjustment pixel Sling of David: Inflict 50 critical hits with Throwing weapons
Spell Master
Adjustment pixel Spell Master: Collect every Spell
Sword Master
Adjustment pixel Sword Master: Deflect 20 enemy attacks with a Katana
The End
Adjustment pixel The End: Arrive at the end
The Fallen
Adjustment pixel The Fallen: Defeat Sadora the Ascetic
The Trio
Adjustment pixel The Trio: Complete Boss Mode
Trap Master
Adjustment pixel Trap Master: Defeat 20 enemies by using traps
Treasure Hunter
Adjustment pixel Treasure Hunter: Open every treasure chest
Adjustment pixel Troubleshooter: Complete every quest
Weapon Master
Adjustment pixel Weapon Master: Collect every weapon
Adjustment pixel Witch: Complete Witch Mode
2 players