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Let\'s Create! Pottery VR PS4

Let's Create! Pottery VR

Let's Create! Pottery VR is the best way to relieve your everyday stress and find your inner peace. It's an impressive, therapeutic, and uplifting experience you can enjoy in the comfort of your home.
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon

Developer: Infinite Dreams
Publisher: Infinite Dreams
  • 13 Trophy bronze icon
  • 15 Trophy silver icon
  • 4 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Sign up or sign in to track these trophies and more.
Ceramic Overlord
Adjustment pixel Ceramic Overlord: You collected all other Trophies
So Far So Good
Adjustment pixel So Far So Good: You created your first 3 pots.
Triple Rainbow
Adjustment pixel Triple Rainbow: You used at least 3 colors on a single pot.
All the Way Across the Sky
Adjustment pixel All the Way Across the Sky: Buy all paint colors.
Basic Element
Adjustment pixel Basic Element: Buy all basic brushes.
Cradle of the Earth
Adjustment pixel Cradle of the Earth: You bought all African brushes.
Man from Aztlan
Adjustment pixel Man from Aztlan: Buy all Aztec brushes.
Iron Age Lover
Adjustment pixel Iron Age Lover: Buy all Celtic brushes.
China in Your Eyes
Adjustment pixel China in Your Eyes: You bought all Chinese brushes.
40 Centuries Looking Down At You
Adjustment pixel 40 Centuries Looking Down At You: Buy all Egyptian brushes.
Welcome to Acropolis
Adjustment pixel Welcome to Acropolis: Buy all Greek brushes.
Clay Samurai
Adjustment pixel Clay Samurai: Buy all Japaneese brushes.
Adjustment pixel Kidult: Buy al Kids' brushes.
Calumet of Peace
Adjustment pixel Calumet of Peace: Buy all Native American brushes.
Homo Neanderthalensis
Adjustment pixel Homo Neanderthalensis: Buy all Neanderthal brushes.
Chopin's Etude
Adjustment pixel Chopin's Etude: Buy all Polish brushes.
Adjustment pixel Bollywood: Buy all Hindu brushes.
Middle East Potter
Adjustment pixel Middle East Potter: Buy all Arabic brushes.
Decoration Freak
Adjustment pixel Decoration Freak: Buy all ornaments.
Made of Matter
Adjustment pixel Made of Matter: You bought all materials.
Clay Master
Adjustment pixel Clay Master: You formed a perfect quest pot.
Pottery Workshop
Adjustment pixel Pottery Workshop: Create a total of 100 pots.
Money Maker
Adjustment pixel Money Maker: You sold a pot for at least 500 coins.
Clay Mint
Adjustment pixel Clay Mint: You acquired 10000 coins.
Can't get enough
Adjustment pixel Can't get enough: Complete all quests.
Art Collector
Adjustment pixel Art Collector: Fill your gallery with pots.
Pottery Twist
Adjustment pixel Pottery Twist: You turned the pottery wheel counter-clockwise 3 times.
Prince of Darkness
Adjustment pixel Prince of Darkness: You painted a pot in pure black.
Mucha's Disciple
Adjustment pixel Mucha's Disciple: Buy all Art Nouveau brushes.
From the streets of Mexico
Adjustment pixel From the streets of Mexico: Buy all Mexican brushes.
Abstract Abstraction
Adjustment pixel Abstract Abstraction: Buy all Modern brushes.
Geometry fanatic
Adjustment pixel Geometry fanatic: Buy all Gradients.
Ta Moko
Adjustment pixel Ta Moko: Buy all Maori brushes.
2 players