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Kitten\'d PS4


Take care of cute kittens - lots and lots of cute kittens. Get points for keeping them happy and lose points for everything they destroy. Use points to upgrade your tools. Or just hang out and play with lots of cute kittens in the more relaxed sandbox mode.
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  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon

Developer: Star Vault AB
Publisher: Star Vault AB
  • 31 Trophy bronze icon
  • 9 Trophy silver icon
  • 3 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Sign up or sign in to track these trophies and more.
You did it!
Adjustment pixel You did it!: We love you!
Adjustment pixel Accessoriesed!: Find and equip 2 accessories in story mode!
More accessories!
Adjustment pixel More accessories!: Find and equip 5 accessories in story mode!
Fashion Guru
Adjustment pixel Fashion Guru: Find and equip 10 accessories in story mode!
Adjustment pixel Madhatter: Find and equip 15 accessories in story mode!
Free Throw
Adjustment pixel Free Throw: Throw 5 poops into the trash
Hook Shot!
Adjustment pixel Hook Shot!: Throw 25 poops into the trash
Slam DUNK!
Adjustment pixel Slam DUNK!: Throw 50 poops into the trash
BOOM shakalaka
Adjustment pixel BOOM shakalaka: Throw 100 poops into the trash
Firefighter Trainee
Adjustment pixel Firefighter Trainee: Put out 25 fires
Novice Firefighter
Adjustment pixel Novice Firefighter: Put out 50 fires
Veteran Firefighter
Adjustment pixel Veteran Firefighter: Put out 100 fires
Expert Firefighter
Adjustment pixel Expert Firefighter: Put out 200 fires
Adjustment pixel Savings: Earned 10 coins
College fund
Adjustment pixel College fund: Earned 25 coins
Life savings
Adjustment pixel Life savings: Earned 50 coins
Adjustment pixel Millionaire!: Earned 100 coins
Adjustment pixel Nice!: Get 7 coins on a level
Adjustment pixel Purrfect!: Get 7 coins on 5 levels.
Adjustment pixel Purrfecter!: Get 7 coins on 10 levels.
Adjustment pixel Purrfectest!: Get 7 coins on 15 levels.
Adjustment pixel Careful!: Complete 3 levels without breaking anything.
Watch it!
Adjustment pixel Watch it!: Complete 6 levels without breaking anything.
Adjustment pixel Caution!: Complete 10 levels without breaking anything.
No Break!
Adjustment pixel No Break!: Complete 15 levels without breaking anything.
To go where no cat has gone before
Adjustment pixel To go where no cat has gone before: Blast off!
Prepare for impact!
Adjustment pixel Prepare for impact!: We are going down!
Happy Cat
Adjustment pixel Happy Cat: Complete a level with all cats at full happiness
Wall street fat cat
Adjustment pixel Wall street fat cat: Put the top hat on the American Shorthair
Crazy cat lady
Adjustment pixel Crazy cat lady: Adopt 20 cats
It's better now!
Adjustment pixel It's better now!: Buy 3 upgrades in story mode
Better tools!
Adjustment pixel Better tools!: Buy 5 upgrades in story mode
Adjustment pixel Upgrader!: Buy 10 upgrades in story mode
All the things!
Adjustment pixel All the things!: Buy 15 upgrades in story mode
Adjustment pixel Rockstar: Destroy everything breakable in a room
Adjustment pixel Abyssinian: Meet the Abyssinian
Adjustment pixel Ragdoll: Meet the Ragdoll
Adjustment pixel Siamese: Meet the Siamese
American Shorthair
Adjustment pixel American Shorthair: Meet the American Shorthair
Adjustment pixel Singapura: Meet the Singapura
Adjustment pixel Persian: Meet the Persian
Adjustment pixel Sphynx: Meet the Sphynx
Let's get large!
Adjustment pixel Let's get large!: All grown up now
Adjustment pixel Terraforming: It's a new age
2 players