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HyperParasite PS4


A rogue-lite twin-stick shooter/brawler that never plays the same twice. Collect and control 60 different characters as the body-snatching alien Parasite with a grudge against humanity. Fight to the top of the food chain: possess the President, push the Big Red Button and one-up the human race.
  • US N/A
  • EU N/A
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon

Developer: Troglobytes Games
Publisher: Troglobytes Games
  • 34 Trophy bronze icon
  • 11 Trophy silver icon
  • 2 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Sign up or sign in to track these trophies and more.
Born in the 80s
Adjustment pixel Born in the 80s: Beat the game
Do your homeworks!
Adjustment pixel Do your homeworks!: Complete the Tutorial
Downtown Star
Adjustment pixel Downtown Star: Unlock all Act 1 Characters
The Ancient Way
Adjustment pixel The Ancient Way: Unlock all Act 2 Characters
Welcome to the Machine
Adjustment pixel Welcome to the Machine: Unlock all Act 3 Characters
It came from the Desert
Adjustment pixel It came from the Desert: Unlock all Act 4 Characters
Powers that be
Adjustment pixel Powers that be: Unlock all Act 5 Characters
Snatcher Master
Adjustment pixel Snatcher Master: Unlock all Characters
Adjustment pixel Crossfire: Beat Double Trouble
Give me your best shot, pal
Adjustment pixel Give me your best shot, pal: Beat the Ancient Warrior
Off the rails
Adjustment pixel Off the rails: Beat Death from Above
The bigger they are...
Adjustment pixel The bigger they are...: Beat Sandsneaks
Adjustment pixel Impeachment: Beat Mr President
Black Eye of the Tiger
Adjustment pixel Black Eye of the Tiger: Beat Rocco Marcellino
Slam Dunk!
Adjustment pixel Slam Dunk!: Beat Michael Jay Wolf
Yippie ya ye!
Adjustment pixel Yippie ya ye!: Beat Frank Donovan
The fool's idea of glory
Adjustment pixel The fool's idea of glory: Beat Cheng Chan
Born ready
Adjustment pixel Born ready: Beat Storm Li
Adjustment pixel Cowabunga!: Beat Nagaserya
It's all in the reflexes
Adjustment pixel It's all in the reflexes: Beat John Bolton
Great Scott!
Adjustment pixel Great Scott!: Beat Freeman D. Son
It's showtime!
Adjustment pixel It's showtime!: Beat Nightingale
Dead or alive
Adjustment pixel Dead or alive: Beat the RoboEnforcer
Ain't got no time to bleed
Adjustment pixel Ain't got no time to bleed: Beat Bob-Or
The galaxy is at peace
Adjustment pixel The galaxy is at peace: Beat Jean Stardust
Too tired, maybe later
Adjustment pixel Too tired, maybe later: Beat One Eyed Duke
A tough one
Adjustment pixel A tough one: Beat an Elite enemy
Mama don't like tattletales
Adjustment pixel Mama don't like tattletales: Find the secret room
Showing brain
Adjustment pixel Showing brain: Get a brain
Gone shopping
Adjustment pixel Gone shopping: Unlock a new Character
This ain't your Grandpa's Arcade Shooter
Adjustment pixel This ain't your Grandpa's Arcade Shooter: First Game Over
Adjustment pixel Slaughter!: Kill 100 Enemies
Adjustment pixel Massacre!: Kill 1000 Enemies
Killing Spree!
Adjustment pixel Killing Spree!: Kill 10000 Enemies
Adjustment pixel Devastation!: Kill 100000 Enemies
The chosen one
Adjustment pixel The chosen one: Complete Act 1 with no snatches
The perfect pair
Adjustment pixel The perfect pair: Complete Act 2 with no snatches
Hiding in plain sight
Adjustment pixel Hiding in plain sight: Complete Act 3 with no snatches
Now you're cooking
Adjustment pixel Now you're cooking: Complete Act 4 with no snatches
There can only be one!
Adjustment pixel There can only be one!: Complete all Acts with no snatches
Fully loaded!
Adjustment pixel Fully loaded!: Equip one Skill of each type
Parasite's alive?!
Adjustment pixel Parasite's alive?!: Get 5 Parasite Lives
Who needs a Host Body?
Adjustment pixel Who needs a Host Body?: Kill 100 Enemies as Parasite
We came, we saw...
Adjustment pixel We came, we saw...: Complete a Full Combo
More than meets the eye
Adjustment pixel More than meets the eye: Find a Skill spawner
You work on commission right?
Adjustment pixel You work on commission right?: Customer of the Month
Gimme some sugar, baby.
Adjustment pixel Gimme some sugar, baby.: Beat the clerk guy
Super powers are not enough
Adjustment pixel Super powers are not enough: Beat Vituperion
6 players