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Harvest Moon: Light of Hope PS4

Harvest Moon: Light of Hope

In Harvest Moon: Light of Hope, players begin the game as they set out looking for a fresh start and new surroundings. During their voyage, their ship is hit by a monsoon and goes down. As they drift into a small harbor town, now in a shambles from the storm, it will be up to the player to help rebuild the town and save the lighthouse...but it won't be easy! Nevertheless, with some hard work growing crops, tending livestock, and gathering materials for repairs, players will be able to make new friends, start a family, revive the lighthouse, and save the town
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon

Developer: Natsume
Publisher: Rising Star Games
  • 8 Trophy bronze icon
  • 13 Trophy silver icon
  • 6 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
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Harvest Moon Master
Adjustment pixel Harvest Moon Master: Unlock all achievements.
Legendary Angler
Adjustment pixel Legendary Angler: Catch all fish.
Crop Connoisseur
Adjustment pixel Crop Connoisseur: Harvest all crops.
Flower Fanatic
Adjustment pixel Flower Fanatic: Harvest all flowers.
Major Miner
Adjustment pixel Major Miner: Mine all gems and ore.
5-Star Chef
Adjustment pixel 5-Star Chef: Cook all recipes.
Beacon of Light
Adjustment pixel Beacon of Light: Record all items in the encyclopedia.
Festival Fan
Adjustment pixel Festival Fan: Win the Cooking Festival, Fishing Festival and the Dog Race on Advanced.
Underground Ubermensch
Adjustment pixel Underground Ubermensch: Reach the bottom of the mine.
Novice Logger
Adjustment pixel Novice Logger: Learn the basics of farming.
Light of Hope
Adjustment pixel Light of Hope: Place the first stone tablet by the lighthouse.
Novice Woodcutter
Adjustment pixel Novice Woodcutter: Get an axe to cut down trees.
Novice Angler
Adjustment pixel Novice Angler: Get a fishing rod to catch fish.
The Light Grows
Adjustment pixel The Light Grows: Place two stone tablets by the lighthouse.
Minor Miner
Adjustment pixel Minor Miner: Get a hammer to break rocks and mine ore.
Light the Way
Adjustment pixel Light the Way: Place three stone tablets by the lighthouse.
Adjustment pixel Dum-Da-Da-DAA!: Make strawberry jam and revive the Harvest Goddess.
Light of the Wind
Adjustment pixel Light of the Wind: Place four stone tablets by the lighthouse.
Blinded by the Light
Adjustment pixel Blinded by the Light: Place the last stone tablet by the lighthouse and revive the island.
A New Friend
Adjustment pixel A New Friend: Become friends with someone.
A Special Friend
Adjustment pixel A Special Friend: Become closer to a friend.
Someone by My Side
Adjustment pixel Someone by My Side: Become a good friend with someone.
That Special Someone
Adjustment pixel That Special Someone: Become more than friends with someone.
Once in a Lifetime
Adjustment pixel Once in a Lifetime: Propose marriage to someone.
Together Forever
Adjustment pixel Together Forever: Get married to someone.
A Boisterous Voice
Adjustment pixel A Boisterous Voice: Have a child.
Help from Above
Adjustment pixel Help from Above: Using medicine, cure your child from Petrifaction.
The Future's So Bright
Adjustment pixel The Future's So Bright: Have your child grow up.
19 players