Love-in at the Drive-in: Earn all the other trophies in the game
Milk the Cow: Complete any song (Dance Mode)
It's Electrifying!: Perform 5 moves in a row with a Perfect rating (Dance Mode)
Greased Lightning: Achieve a 3 star rating for a Show Your Moves section (Dance Mode)
I Got Chills...: Achieve a 5 streak (Dance Mode)
...They're Multiplying: Achieve a 25 streak (Dance Mode)
Dance Fever: Achieve a x5 multiplier (Dance Mode)
We Go Together: Complete a song with both a dancer and a singer present (Dance Mode)
Best of Show: Win 10 rosettes (Challenge Dance Mode)
Unbeatable: Complete a game without losing or failing any challenges (Challenge Dance Mode)
All The Right Moves: Pass one of each challenge type (Challenge Dance Mode)
The Zuko: Complete these moves with a perfect rating – Lightning Arm, Hydromatic Intro, Lasso (Dance Mode)
The Kangaroo Bop: Complete these moves with a perfect rating – Tell Me More Heart, One I Want, Shaky (Dance Mode)
Greaser: Complete these moves with a perfect rating – Grease Star, Tiptoe Clicks, Thrust (Dance Mode)
Rock'n'Roller: Complete these moves with a perfect rating – Jive Orangutan, Sue, Mid Swing (Dance Mode)
Super Stepper: Finish a song without performing any poor rated moves (Dance Mode)
Dance Expert: Finish a song with at least 75% moves rated Perfect (Dance Mode)
National Dance-Off Champion: Get high scores on all songs (Dance Mode)
Rock and Roll Party Queen: Complete all songs (Dance Mode)
One For the Yearbook: Have 20 photos taken of your performance (Dance Mode)
Something's Begun: Complete any song (Karaoke Mode)
Vocal Superstar: Achieve an x5 multiplier (Karaoke Mode)
Tell Me More: Hit all the spoken word notes in any song that contains them (Karaoke Mode)
Angelic: Finish a song without performing any poor rated phrases (Karaoke Mode)
Singing Expert: Finish a song with at least 75% perfect phrases completed (Karaoke Mode)
Hopelessly Devoted: Post scores to the high score tables for all songs while singing
Songbird Shake: Complete all songs (Karaoke Mode)
Full House: Complete a song with two Dancers and two Singers (Dance Mode)
Oldie But a Goodie: Unlock a Classic Grease minigame
Treasure Hunter: Unlock half the Classic Grease minigames
Master of Unlocking: Unlock all the Classic Grease minigames
Sandy's Songbook: Unlock all songs (Dance Mode)
Yearbook Yardstick: Unlock all characters
Greasy Tom: Successfully sabotage 3 times in Greasers v Jocks
All The Way Home: Hit 5 consecutive home runs in Greasers v jocks
Basket Case: Make 5 consecutive baskets in Greasers v Jocks
On Your Marks: Complete a race without hitting any hurdles in Run For Your Love
Road Hodge: Complete Thunder Road Race without hitting an obstacle
Let's Get Nuts: Fully tighten 8 nuts in one playthrough of the Wheel Nuts microgame in Greaser's Garage
Hit It: Flatten 3 bumps in a row during Panel Beating in Greaser's Garage without causing any more arising
Aint No Dropout: Hit 20 consecutive moves in Beauty Sleep
Band Leader: Hit 20 consecutive moves in Rockin’ Rydell
Gamesmaster: Complete all the Classic Grease minigames
T-Bird Trio: Achieve a score above 250,000 on three Classic Grease minigames
Buddy Lovin': Achieve a team score above 500,000 on three Classic Grease minigames
Tap It: Get high scores on all Classic Grease rhythm-action minigames
Minigame Mogul: Get high scores on all Classic Grease minigames
Main Menu Maestro: Find the main menu easter egg
Rama Lama Ding Dong: Trigger the chipmunk easter egg in Rockin’ Rydell
Senior Year Story: View all story cutscenes