Indicator GIF
Get Fit With Mel B PS3

Get Fit With Mel B

In Get Fit With Mel, the former Spice Girl will bring you real-time advice and feedback on several disciplines like dance fit, cardio, step, pump and tone and kickboxing.

The game also delivers a personal nutritional program (six meals plans and 140 recipes) totally aligned to your fitness workout.
  • US October 26, 2010
  • EU November 26, 2010
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 3 icon

Developer: Lightning Fish
Publisher: Deep Silver
  • 41 Trophy bronze icon
  • 7 Trophy silver icon
  • 2 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Sign up or sign in to track these trophies and more.
My Body is a Temple
Adjustment pixel My Body is a Temple: Collect all other Trophies on Get Fit With Mel B
Feel The Burn
Adjustment pixel Feel The Burn: Completed your first Workout
Drop And Give Me 1000
Adjustment pixel Drop And Give Me 1000: Done 1000 press-ups on toes
Abs Of Steel
Adjustment pixel Abs Of Steel: Done 1000 long-arm crunches
Bring It On
Adjustment pixel Bring It On: Raised any category's Fitness Level by 10
25 Levels Up
Adjustment pixel 25 Levels Up: Raised any category's Fitness Level by 25
Adjustment pixel Driven: You have exercised every day for two weeks
Adjustment pixel 99...100: Completed 100 reps
Adjustment pixel 499...500: Completed 500 reps
Adjustment pixel 999...1000: Completed 1000 reps
Flash Dancer
Adjustment pixel Flash Dancer: Collected over 350 Stars in a Dance Aerobics Workout
Going Up?
Adjustment pixel Going Up?: Climbed the equivalent of the Empire State Building
Adjustment pixel Pumped: Lifted the equivalent of a SUV in Pump and Tone
20 Run
Adjustment pixel 20 Run: Done 20 good reps in a row
Perfect 10
Adjustment pixel Perfect 10: Done 10 perfect reps in a row
First Gold
Adjustment pixel First Gold: Won a gold medal in a workout
Full House
Adjustment pixel Full House: Got a gold medal for all challenges
Just A Snack
Adjustment pixel Just A Snack: Burned off a chocolate bar
One Large Pepperoni
Adjustment pixel One Large Pepperoni: Burned off a pizza
Party Season
Adjustment pixel Party Season: Burned off a Christmas dinner
What's For Lunch?
Adjustment pixel What's For Lunch?: Followed the menu every day for a week
60 Min Burn
Adjustment pixel 60 Min Burn: Completed a 60 minute Aerobics Workout of any type with a score over 90%
Practice Makes Perfect
Adjustment pixel Practice Makes Perfect: Practiced five different exercises
Adjustment pixel Variety: Completed at least one workout of each workout type
My Workout
Adjustment pixel My Workout: Created a Custom Fitness Workout
My Aerobics
Adjustment pixel My Aerobics: Created a Custom Aerobics Workout
Dance The Night Away
Adjustment pixel Dance The Night Away: Completed an Aerobics Workout between 12:00am and 2:00am
Early Worm
Adjustment pixel Early Worm: Completed a Fitness Workout between 5:00am and 7:00am
Fit Crowd
Adjustment pixel Fit Crowd: Complete a Fitness Workout
Dance Off
Adjustment pixel Dance Off: Complete a Dance Workout
Fat Burner
Adjustment pixel Fat Burner: Complete a Cardio Workout
Front Runner
Adjustment pixel Front Runner: Complete an Advanced Cardio Workout
Best Foot Forward
Adjustment pixel Best Foot Forward: Complete a Step Workout
Adjustment pixel Warrior: Complete a Combat Workout
Adjustment pixel Toned: Complete a Pump 'n' Tone Workout
Fitness Monster
Adjustment pixel Fitness Monster: Complete 20 Fitness Workouts
Last Dance
Adjustment pixel Last Dance: Complete 20 Dance Workouts
Sweat Dreams
Adjustment pixel Sweat Dreams: Complete 20 Cardio Workouts
Adjustment pixel Athlete: Complete 20 Advanced Cardio Workouts
Adjustment pixel Escalator: Complete 20 Step Workouts
Ultimate Warrior
Adjustment pixel Ultimate Warrior: Complete 20 Combat Workouts
Pump 'n' Throne
Adjustment pixel Pump 'n' Throne: Complete 20 Pump 'n' Tone Workouts
Adjustment pixel Newcomer: Reach level 60 in any category
Adjustment pixel Amateur: Reach level 70 in any category
Semi Professional
Adjustment pixel Semi Professional: Reach level 80 in any category
Adjustment pixel Professional: Reach level 90 in any category
Adjustment pixel Perfectionist: Reach level 100 in any category
Adjustment pixel Flexible: Reach level 70 in three categories
Hat Trick
Adjustment pixel Hat Trick: Reach level 80 in three categories
Adjustment pixel Triathlon: Reach level 90 in three categories
The Triple
Adjustment pixel The Triple: Reach level 100 in three categories
36 players