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Eternity: The Last Unicorn PS4

Eternity: The Last Unicorn

Eternity: The Last Unicorn revels in classic action-RPG mechanics, weaving a fantastical tale that’s steeped in Norse mythology and the struggles with immortality. Long ago, unicorns brought about immortality, yet now they are all but extinct, with one last cursed member still in existence. Aurehen of Alfheim is tasked with the weighty obligation of saving the waning immortality of her fellow elves before it fullymore
  • US March 5, 2019
  • EU March 5, 2019
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon

Developer: Void Studios
Publisher: 1C Entertainment
  • 20 Trophy bronze icon
  • 10 Trophy silver icon
  • 4 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
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Final Fantasy
Adjustment pixel Final Fantasy: Collect all the trophies
Son of Fenrir
Adjustment pixel Son of Fenrir: Defeat Úlfrstórr
Collector of Souls
Adjustment pixel Collector of Souls: Defeat Skogul for the first time
The Return of the King
Adjustment pixel The Return of the King: Defeat the Old King Wolfric
Adjustment pixel Malboro?: Defeat the Swamp Tentacle
Servant of Odin
Adjustment pixel Servant of Odin: Defeat Skogul for the second time
The fallen brother
Adjustment pixel The fallen brother: Defeat Erick, The Corrupted
Jotun awakening
Adjustment pixel Jotun awakening: Defeat Helviti
Go to Hel
Adjustment pixel Go to Hel: Defeat Gullveig
Frey's disciple
Adjustment pixel Frey's disciple: Upgrade the elven sword at the maximum
Skadi's disciple
Adjustment pixel Skadi's disciple: Upgrade the skadian bow at the maximum
Lothbrok's disciple
Adjustment pixel Lothbrok's disciple: Upgrade the sword and shield at the maximum
Tyr's disciple
Adjustment pixel Tyr's disciple: Upgrade the two-handed sword at the maximum
Iduna's apple
Adjustment pixel Iduna's apple: Upgrade a character at the maximum
Prolonged life
Adjustment pixel Prolonged life: Upgrade the Eir medallions at the maximum
Adjustment pixel Rebirth: Purify all corrupted bodies
Welcome to Valhalla
Adjustment pixel Welcome to Valhalla: Release all bodies corrupted by the swords
Freya's tear
Adjustment pixel Freya's tear: Collect 10.000 shards
The scholar
Adjustment pixel The scholar: Collect all scrolls of Elros
A poem by Bragi
Adjustment pixel A poem by Bragi: Complete the book of biographies
Lord of the Aesir
Adjustment pixel Lord of the Aesir: Beat all the arenas
Back to work
Adjustment pixel Back to work: Deliver Durin's hammer
Release me
Adjustment pixel Release me: Release the fairy
Adjustment pixel Mercenary: Release Zenogb from the witch's dungeon
Call of the Gods
Adjustment pixel Call of the Gods: Ring the bell in the Gullveig's tower
Skadi's relic
Adjustment pixel Skadi's relic: Get the Skadian Bow
Vingólf's gift
Adjustment pixel Vingólf's gift: Get the long jump
The last of the unicorns
Adjustment pixel The last of the unicorns: Finish the game
Primordial creature
Adjustment pixel Primordial creature: Talk to the Oracle in the Yggdrasil Garden
Find the light
Adjustment pixel Find the light: Get the light flask in Makala's temple
The last guardian
Adjustment pixel The last guardian: Find the lord of the forest
Lion of Amra
Adjustment pixel Lion of Amra: Beat the arena mode with a character
Treasure hunter
Adjustment pixel Treasure hunter: Collect all the chests
Forge Master
Adjustment pixel Forge Master: Forge 10 different items
Silent Death
Adjustment pixel Silent Death: Defeat the Spider Queen
5 players