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Endless Fables 4: Shadow Within PS5

Endless Fables 4: Shadow Within

Famous anthropologist Pamela Cavendish goes back to her hometown to face a tragedy from her childhood. When her friend - Hans - was kidnapped by a nightmarish figure no one believed her. Years later, brave and steadfast, Pamela has a chance to make things right.
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Platform: PlayStation 5 icon
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Developer: Sunward Games
Publisher: Artifex Mundi
  • 20 Trophy bronze icon
  • 3 Trophy silver icon
  • 7 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
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Adjustment pixel Platinum: Unlock every Trophy.
Adjustment pixel Improviser: You creatively fixed the train door.
Adjustment pixel Storyteller: You read a fable to a young girl.
Detective Inspector
Adjustment pixel Detective Inspector: You retraced Agatha's clues.
Adjustment pixel Infiltrator: You snuck into the castle.
Adjustment pixel Well-Traveled: You entered another world.
Creator of Potions
Adjustment pixel Creator of Potions: You smoothly prepared a remedy.
Traveller of Dreams
Adjustment pixel Traveller of Dreams: You boldly visited through the dreams.
Expert of History
Adjustment pixel Expert of History: You acquired the knowledge about the Sandman.
Envoy of Fluffs
Adjustment pixel Envoy of Fluffs: You became a friend of the Fluffs.
Builder of Boats
Adjustment pixel Builder of Boats: You repaired a flying boat.
Defender of Souls
Adjustment pixel Defender of Souls: You defended your friend's soul.
Lord of Animals
Adjustment pixel Lord of Animals: You skillfully avoided the shadogs.
Savior of Souls
Adjustment pixel Savior of Souls: You saved a nearly lost soul.
Protector of Realms
Adjustment pixel Protector of Realms: You uniquely defeated the Sandman.
Scholar of History
Adjustment pixel Scholar of History: You patiently listened to the Fluff's story.
Master of Aviation
Adjustment pixel Master of Aviation: You flew high up in the sky.
Lord of Spies
Adjustment pixel Lord of Spies: You dexterously got inside the hive.
Savior of Fluffs
Adjustment pixel Savior of Fluffs: You've virtuously defeated the Queen of Wasps.
Crystal Clear
Adjustment pixel Crystal Clear: Finish a Hidden Object Puzzle in 90 seconds.
No Stone Unturned
Adjustment pixel No Stone Unturned: Finish a Hidden Object Puzzle without any mistakes.
Diamond in the Rough
Adjustment pixel Diamond in the Rough: Finish a Hidden Object Puzzle without using Hint.
Crown Jewel
Adjustment pixel Crown Jewel: Finish all Hidden Object Puzzles without any Hints. (10)
Run like the Wind
Adjustment pixel Run like the Wind: Complete a Minigame in 60 seconds.
A Cut Above
Adjustment pixel A Cut Above: Complete four Minigames without skipping. (4)
Faster than Light
Adjustment pixel Faster than Light: Complete four Minigames, each in less than 60 seconds. (4)
Heart and Soul
Adjustment pixel Heart and Soul: Complete all Minigames without skipping. (25)
Adjustment pixel Puppeteer: Collect all figurines. (12)
Jigsaw Fanatic
Adjustment pixel Jigsaw Fanatic: Collect all puzzle pieces. (30)
Patient Listener
Adjustment pixel Patient Listener: Play through all story-telling Minigames without skipping. (3)
Look Before You Leap
Adjustment pixel Look Before You Leap: Open the Map at least once.
8 players