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Deliver Us the Moon PS4

Deliver Us the Moon

Deliver Us The Moon is set in the near future where Earth's natural resources are depleted. In an effort to solve the energy crisis, global powers created the World Space Agency and secured a promising new source of energy on the moon. The World Space Agency colonized and operated from the moon until one fateful night all communications with Earth ceased and the energy source was lost. Now, years later, you assume themore
  • US April 24, 2020
  • EU April 24, 2020
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon

Developer: KeokeN Interactive
Publisher: KeokeN Interactive
  • 15 Trophy bronze icon
  • 12 Trophy silver icon
  • 5 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
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Mankind's Brightest
Adjustment pixel Mankind's Brightest: Collect all of Deliver Us The Moon's trophies
Cosmic Marveller
Adjustment pixel Cosmic Marveller: Read all entries of the Moonman comic series
Environmental Analysis Part I
Adjustment pixel Environmental Analysis Part I: Complete an astrotool dossier profile
Environmental Analysis Part II
Adjustment pixel Environmental Analysis Part II: Complete three astrotool dossier profiles
Environmental Analysis Part III
Adjustment pixel Environmental Analysis Part III: Complete seven astrotool dossier profiles
Environmental Analysis Part IV
Adjustment pixel Environmental Analysis Part IV: Complete ten astrotool dossier profiles
Learning To Listen
Adjustment pixel Learning To Listen: Collect an audiolog
Lent Them Your Ears
Adjustment pixel Lent Them Your Ears: Collect all audiologs
The First Of Many Courses
Adjustment pixel The First Of Many Courses: Collect a piece of scannable information
The Observer And The Observed
Adjustment pixel The Observer And The Observed: Collect all scannable information
The Witness
Adjustment pixel The Witness: Witness a hologram
What We Do In Life, Echoes In Eternity
Adjustment pixel What We Do In Life, Echoes In Eternity: Witness all holograms
Gasping For Air
Adjustment pixel Gasping For Air: Find oxygen when death seemed certain
Adjustment pixel Stargazer: Survive outside for 30 minutes
Houston, We've Had A Problem
Adjustment pixel Houston, We've Had A Problem: Forget your training
You Spin Me Right Round
Adjustment pixel You Spin Me Right Round: Make the world go round
Fly Me To The Moon
Adjustment pixel Fly Me To The Moon: Bid farewell to our home planet
In The Nick Of Time
Adjustment pixel In The Nick Of Time: Reach the Taurus V with only seconds to go
Have A Seat
Adjustment pixel Have A Seat: Take a seat outside to admire the view
A Light At The End Of The Tunnel
Adjustment pixel A Light At The End Of The Tunnel: Check up on the MPT before escaping from a collapsing titan
Adjustment pixel Moonbear: If only Kathy could see this
Remember Me
Adjustment pixel Remember Me: Make your way through Copernicus Moonhub's lingering echoes
The Mechanic
Adjustment pixel The Mechanic: Find yourself a friend
Twin Flames
Adjustment pixel Twin Flames: Realign the MPT towers to return local power to Moonhub
Not A Scratch
Adjustment pixel Not A Scratch: Remain unharmed during an electrifying standoff
Clearing The Way
Adjustment pixel Clearing The Way: Ensure safe passage to the source of the MPT
Among The Stars
Adjustment pixel Among The Stars: One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind
Once Upon A Time In The Void
Adjustment pixel Once Upon A Time In The Void: Check all links in the MPT network and start the journey to Tombaugh
Goodbye, Old Friend
Adjustment pixel Goodbye, Old Friend: Bring a companion cell on a rocky road trip
A Light In The Dark
Adjustment pixel A Light In The Dark: Restore local MPT power to a base long abandoned
Delivered Us The Moon
Adjustment pixel Delivered Us The Moon: Stir a sleeping giant, save the world and reunite with an old friend
Now You See Me
Adjustment pixel Now You See Me: Find the rhythm to a source of overwhelming power
The Aquanaut
Adjustment pixel The Aquanaut: They all float down there
31 players