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Darksiders PS3


Darksiders: Wrath of War is a video game being developed by Vigil Games. The game takes its inspiration from the apocalypse and battle of armageddon described in the Book of Revelation, with the player taking the role of "War", one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse.Darksiders is primarily a combat action game, with weapons such as giant swords and miniguns available. War also regains his powers throughout the game, and has his own mount, a horse called Ruin.

The powers and horse which War must regain play an important role in the game as they enable him to access areas of the world which would otherwise be closed to him. A wrath meter similar to the musuo gauge in the Dynasty Warriors series fills up as War fights and gives access to powered-up and special moves.

Action takes place both underground where puzzles play a large role, and above ground in which free roaming is allowed.

Early impressions have led journalists to compare the game to God of War and Devil May Cry due to its strong combination of combo based sword combat and guns, designer Joe Madureira has likened it to The Legend of Zelda series:
  • US January 5, 2010
  • EU January 7, 2010
  • JP N/A
Rate it
Platform: PlayStation 3 icon

Developer: Virgil Games
Publisher: THQ
  • 26 Trophy bronze icon
  • 13 Trophy silver icon
  • 3 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 26 of 43
Adjustment pixel BFA: Unlocked EVERYTHING!
Prison Break
Adjustment pixel Prison Break: Free Samael from his prison
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Jan 23 08:44:52 2010
Death Dealer
Adjustment pixel Death Dealer: Meet Vulgrim
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Jan 21 20:01:21 2010
Like A Bat Outta Hell
Adjustment pixel Like A Bat Outta Hell: Defeat Tiamat
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Jan 31 12:43:51 2010
One Tough Cookie
Adjustment pixel One Tough Cookie: Meet Ulthane
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Feb 4 19:05:45 2010
Rocked Your Face Off
Adjustment pixel Rocked Your Face Off: Defeat The Griever
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Feb 17 19:47:50 2010
Ashes to Ashes
Adjustment pixel Ashes to Ashes: Defeat The Stygian
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Feb 25 11:33:23 2010
One Mean Mother
Adjustment pixel One Mean Mother: Defeat Silitha
Payback's A B****
Adjustment pixel Payback's A B****: Defeat Straga
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Mar 7 18:18:08 2010
The Final Challenger?
Adjustment pixel The Final Challenger?: Defeat The Destroyer
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Mar 17 16:06:56 2010
Balance Restored
Adjustment pixel Balance Restored: COMPLETE the game on NORMAL difficulty
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Mar 17 16:07:03 2010
The True Horseman
Adjustment pixel The True Horseman: COMPLETE the game on APOCALYPTIC difficulty
To Move A Mountain
Adjustment pixel To Move A Mountain: Collect the Earthcaller
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Jan 21 20:08:52 2010
Who's Counting?
Adjustment pixel Who's Counting?: Defeat more angels than Ulthane
Reach Out And Touch Somebody
Adjustment pixel Reach Out And Touch Somebody: Collect the Abyssal Chain
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Feb 27 12:48:03 2010
Into the Void
Adjustment pixel Into the Void: Collect the Voidwalker
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Mar 4 15:43:52 2010
Elemental Thief
Adjustment pixel Elemental Thief: Collect the Crossblade
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Jan 27 14:01:19 2010
Sight Beyond Sight
Adjustment pixel Sight Beyond Sight: Collect the Mask of Shadows
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Mar 7 18:22:33 2010
Adjustment pixel Devastator: Kill 10 enemies with one Blade Geyser wrath attack
Treasure Hunter
Adjustment pixel Treasure Hunter: Search 150 caskets
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Mar 4 15:43:18 2010
Tremor Bringer
Adjustment pixel Tremor Bringer: Collect the Tremor Gauntlet
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Feb 6 16:41:03 2010
An Old Friend
Adjustment pixel An Old Friend: Collect Mercy
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Feb 17 19:49:55 2010
Adjustment pixel Reaper: Collect the Scythe
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Jan 27 13:22:29 2010
Aerial Predator
Adjustment pixel Aerial Predator: Kill 160 enemies while on the angelic beast
Full Power
Adjustment pixel Full Power: Collect the maximum amount of lifestones
Wrath of War
Adjustment pixel Wrath of War: Collect the maximum amount of wrath cores
Ultimate Blade
Adjustment pixel Ultimate Blade: Forge the Armageddon Blade
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Mar 16 18:41:51 2010
Wrath Machine
Adjustment pixel Wrath Machine: Collect all the Wrath Powers
Adjustment pixel Reunited: Obtain Ruin
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Feb 24 10:35:35 2010
Adjustment pixel Slayer: Kill 666 Demons
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon Feb 1 16:18:46 2010
Don't Make Me Angry
Adjustment pixel Don't Make Me Angry: Collect the Chaos Form Ability
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Jan 31 12:56:15 2010
Chasm Jumper
Adjustment pixel Chasm Jumper: Gain the Shadowflight Ability
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Jan 23 08:45:17 2010
World Raider
Adjustment pixel World Raider: Collect all 27 Artifacts
Legendary Form
Adjustment pixel Legendary Form: Collect the Abyssal Armor Set
River of Blood
Adjustment pixel River of Blood: Shed 3000 gallons of demon blood
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Feb 27 12:34:08 2010
Dark Rider
Adjustment pixel Dark Rider: Ride for 100 miles
Adjustment pixel Horseman: Kill 150 demons from horseback
Time Lapse
Adjustment pixel Time Lapse: Gain the Chronomancer Ability
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Feb 20 17:53:39 2010
Battle Hardened
Adjustment pixel Battle Hardened: Max out all weapons and unlock all combat moves
High Flier
Adjustment pixel High Flier: Kill 5 duskbats without touching the ground
Improvised Kills
Adjustment pixel Improvised Kills: Kill 150 enemies with items from the environment
You Call This Easy?
Adjustment pixel You Call This Easy?: COMPLETE the game on EASY difficulty
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Mar 17 16:07:07 2010
Open Air Parking
Adjustment pixel Open Air Parking: Destroy a helicopter during the apocalypse with a vehicle
410 players