Darksiders: Wrath of War is a video game being developed by Vigil Games. The game takes its inspiration from the apocalypse and battle of armageddon described in the Book of Revelation, with the player taking the role of "War", one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse.Darksiders is primarily a combat action game, with weapons such as giant swords and miniguns available. War also regains his powers throughout the game,… more and has his own mount, a horse called Ruin.
The powers and horse which War must regain play an important role in the game as they enable him to access areas of the world which would otherwise be closed to him. A wrath meter similar to the musuo gauge in the Dynasty Warriors series fills up as War fights and gives access to powered-up and special moves.
Action takes place both underground where puzzles play a large role, and above ground in which free roaming is allowed.
Early impressions have led journalists to compare the game to God of War and Devil May Cry due to its strong combination of combo based sword combat and guns, designer Joe Madureira has likened it to The Legend of Zelda series:close
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