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Cult of the Lamb PS4

Cult of the Lamb

Start your own cult in a land of false prophets, venturing out into diverse and mysterious regions to build a loyal community of woodland Followers and spread your Word to become the one true cult.
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon
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Developer: Massive Monster
Publisher: Devolver Digital
  • 14 Trophy bronze icon
  • 19 Trophy silver icon
  • 3 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
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Adjustment pixel Godhood: No longer a servant, no less than a God.
First Follower
Adjustment pixel First Follower: The first devotee to the Cult of the Lamb.
Deal with the Devil
Adjustment pixel Deal with the Devil: A deal that cannot be undone.
Preacher of Truth
Adjustment pixel Preacher of Truth: Let the Word be known.
The First Death
Adjustment pixel The First Death: Salvation awaits the fallen soul.
Death to Non-Believers
Adjustment pixel Death to Non-Believers: Defeat the first mini-boss.
The Flock Grows
Adjustment pixel The Flock Grows: Gain 5 Followers.
Flock of Many
Adjustment pixel Flock of Many: Gain 10 Followers.
Flock of All
Adjustment pixel Flock of All: Gain 20 Followers.
See No Evil
Adjustment pixel See No Evil: Defeat Leshy.
Speak No Evil
Adjustment pixel Speak No Evil: Defeat Heket.
Hear No Evil
Adjustment pixel Hear No Evil: Defeat Kallamar.
Think No Evil
Adjustment pixel Think No Evil: Defeat Shamura.
Do No Evil
Adjustment pixel Do No Evil: Defeat the One Who Waits.
Adjustment pixel Order: Beat Leshy without taking damage.
Adjustment pixel Sate: Beat Heket without taking damage.
Adjustment pixel Cure: Beat Kallamar without taking damage.
Adjustment pixel Peace: Beat Shamura without taking damage.
Keeper of Secrets
Adjustment pixel Keeper of Secrets: Take confession.
Leader of the Crusade
Adjustment pixel Leader of the Crusade: Find all 5 locations.
Bringer of Light
Adjustment pixel Bringer of Light: Reignite the lighthouse.
Full Flock
Adjustment pixel Full Flock: Unlock all Follower Skins.
Full Deck
Adjustment pixel Full Deck: Unlock all tarot cards.
Teach a Lamb to Fish
Adjustment pixel Teach a Lamb to Fish: Catch 1 of every fish.
Crosser of Thresholds
Adjustment pixel Crosser of Thresholds: A new world awaits.
Sacrificial Beast
Adjustment pixel Sacrificial Beast: Sacrifice a Follower.
Weigher of Souls
Adjustment pixel Weigher of Souls: Sacrifice 20 Followers.
Hoarder of Wealth
Adjustment pixel Hoarder of Wealth: Have 666 gold coins.
Weapons of Plenty
Adjustment pixel Weapons of Plenty: Unlock all weapons.
Curses of Plenty
Adjustment pixel Curses of Plenty: Unlock all curses.
Adjustment pixel Devotion: Fully Upgrade Cult.
Adjustment pixel Transform: Unlock a new fleece.
Adjustment pixel Transmute: Unlock all fleeces.
Adjustment pixel Cannibal: Cook a Follower meat meal.
Adjustment pixel Gospel: Unlock all doctrines.
Game of Chance
Adjustment pixel Game of Chance: Win a game of Knucklebones.
Master of Chance
Adjustment pixel Master of Chance: Defeat all opponents in Knucklebones.
15 players