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Conan Chop Chop PS4

Conan Chop Chop

Conan Chop Chop is a 1-4 player action-adventure game with rogue-like elements, set in the savage world of Conan the Barbarian.
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon

Developer: Mighty Kingdom
Publisher: Funcom
  • 31 Trophy bronze icon
  • 11 Trophy silver icon
  • 2 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
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King Conan
Adjustment pixel King Conan: Earn all trophies in 'Conan Chop Chop'
Is This How You Do It?
Adjustment pixel Is This How You Do It?: Complete the tutorial
So Much Anger
Adjustment pixel So Much Anger: Obtain Conan's Barbarian Rage
Spin to Win
Adjustment pixel Spin to Win: Obtain Valeria's Tornado Slash
Cloudy with a Chance of Arrows
Adjustment pixel Cloudy with a Chance of Arrows: Obtain Belit's Rain of Arrows
Listen to This
Adjustment pixel Listen to This: Obtain Pallantides' Roar of the Dragon
Reckless Brawler
Adjustment pixel Reckless Brawler: Obtain 1 trait for Conan
Nimble Warrior
Adjustment pixel Nimble Warrior: Obtain 1 trait for Valeria
Agile Sniper
Adjustment pixel Agile Sniper: Obtain 1 trait for Belit
Steadfast Protector
Adjustment pixel Steadfast Protector: Obtain 1 trait for Pallantides
Brazen Brawn
Adjustment pixel Brazen Brawn: Obtain 3 traits for Conan
Finest Finesse
Adjustment pixel Finest Finesse: Obtain 3 traits for Valeria
Alarming Accuracy
Adjustment pixel Alarming Accuracy: Obtain 3 traits for Belit
Relentless Resilience
Adjustment pixel Relentless Resilience: Obtain 3 traits for Pallantides
A New Tool
Adjustment pixel A New Tool: Forge a Weapon at the Blacksmith in your Town
A New Accessory
Adjustment pixel A New Accessory: Forge a Shield at the Blacksmith in your Town
A New Outfit
Adjustment pixel A New Outfit: Forge an Armor at the Blacksmith in your Town
A New Trinket
Adjustment pixel A New Trinket: Forge a Charm at the Blacksmith in your Town
Defender of the Grasslands
Adjustment pixel Defender of the Grasslands: Defeat a miniboss in Nemedia
Defender of the Forest
Adjustment pixel Defender of the Forest: Defeat a miniboss in Darkwood
Defender of the Desert
Adjustment pixel Defender of the Desert: Defeat a miniboss in Koth
Defender of the Tundra
Adjustment pixel Defender of the Tundra: Defeat a miniboss in Vanaheim
Defender of the Mountains
Adjustment pixel Defender of the Mountains: Defeat a miniboss in Hyperborea
Tame the Ape
Adjustment pixel Tame the Ape: Defeat Thak
Bait for the Hook
Adjustment pixel Bait for the Hook: Defeat the Sand Worm
All Thawed Out
Adjustment pixel All Thawed Out: Defeat the Frost Giant
Douse the Flames
Adjustment pixel Douse the Flames: Defeat Skelos
Adjustment pixel Fashionista: Wear a matching Shield and Armor set
Pet Handler
Adjustment pixel Pet Handler: Have 3 pets at once
Treasure Hunter
Adjustment pixel Treasure Hunter: Open a Gold Chest in the world
An Act of Kindness
Adjustment pixel An Act of Kindness: Find and return the Doll
Through the Mirage
Adjustment pixel Through the Mirage: Use Oasis Key
A Recovered Relic
Adjustment pixel A Recovered Relic: Locate the Staff of Epemitreus
Unleash the Phoenix
Adjustment pixel Unleash the Phoenix: Return the Staff of Epemitreus
Simply Charming
Adjustment pixel Simply Charming: Equip 4 Charms
Conan the Cimmerian
Adjustment pixel Conan the Cimmerian: Defeat Xaltotun as Conan
Queen of the Red Brotherhood
Adjustment pixel Queen of the Red Brotherhood: Defeat Xaltotun as Valeria
Queen of the Black Coast
Adjustment pixel Queen of the Black Coast: Defeat Xaltotun as Belit
Commander of the Black Dragons
Adjustment pixel Commander of the Black Dragons: Defeat Xaltotun as Pallantides
A Good Defense
Adjustment pixel A Good Defense: Restored the Shield Shop in your Town
Tooled Up
Adjustment pixel Tooled Up: Restored the Weapon Shop in your Town
Marks of the Trade
Adjustment pixel Marks of the Trade: Restored the Armor Shop in your Town
Diversify your Bonds
Adjustment pixel Diversify your Bonds: Restored the Charm Shop in your Town
Pillar of the Community
Adjustment pixel Pillar of the Community: Restored your Town
Evil Vanquished!
Adjustment pixel Evil Vanquished!: Defeat Thoth-Amon
8 players