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Card Racing Simulator: Otterrific Arcade PS4

Card Racing Simulator: Otterrific Arcade

In Card Racing Simulator, witness cards shuffle off to the races as they compete to be the first to reach the finish line. Before each race, try to predict who is going to be the winner. How many winners will you be able to successfully predict?
  • US September 16, 2022
  • EU September 16, 2022
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon

Developer: Otterific Games
Publisher: Otterific Games
  • 6 Trophy bronze icon
  • 11 Trophy silver icon
  • 7 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
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Reject Humanity • Assimilate into Simulation ○ Watch Cards Race
Adjustment pixel Reject Humanity • Assimilate into Simulation ○ Watch Cards Race: Awarded for collecting all other trophies, etc etc. You know the drill. Thanks for playing (err, simulating?) the game!
Lucky Ace
Adjustment pixel Lucky Ace: Guess correctly for the first time.
Adjustment pixel Ace+Deuce: Guess correctly 3 times.
Card Racing Fiend
Adjustment pixel Card Racing Fiend: Guess correctly 5 times.
Observant Racer
Adjustment pixel Observant Racer: Guess correctly 7 times.
Master Clairvoyant
Adjustment pixel Master Clairvoyant: Guess correctly 10 times.
The House Wins
Adjustment pixel The House Wins: Observe a round end with no winner.
Scalie Slithery Sea Serpent
Adjustment pixel Scalie Slithery Sea Serpent: Guess correctly with the snake in a boat whom you may remember from his time hiding behind a mountain for five minutes at a time.
Furry Flight of Fancy
Adjustment pixel Furry Flight of Fancy: Guess correctly with the feathery dragon who may or may not be on his third round of asset re-use.
Charging Bear... Otter... Thing.
Adjustment pixel Charging Bear... Otter... Thing.: Guess correctly with the otterbear who rode a dragon into battle to save the world from a tyrannical wizard/father-in-law. Wait, what happened to this one?
Ritualistic Home Run
Adjustment pixel Ritualistic Home Run: Guess correctly with the angelically possessed baseball who's probably on a watchlist somewhere.
Around the Globe
Adjustment pixel Around the Globe: See every racer win in a single game session (does not include "the house").
Beginner's Luck
Adjustment pixel Beginner's Luck: Guess correctly twice in a row in a single game session.
Oh Baby a Triple
Adjustment pixel Oh Baby a Triple: Guess correctly 3 times in a row in a single game session.
Flip 'Em Over
Adjustment pixel Flip 'Em Over: Move a total of 25 spaces
Keep It Going
Adjustment pixel Keep It Going: Move a total of 50 spaces
The Race is On!
Adjustment pixel The Race is On!: Move a total of 75 spaces
Half Dozen... Tens... ish
Adjustment pixel Half Dozen... Tens... ish : Move a total of 125 spaces
Adjustment pixel Bicentennial: Move a total of 200 spaces
Insert Creative Name Here
Adjustment pixel Insert Creative Name Here: Move a total of 325 spaces
You're Still Going Huh?
Adjustment pixel You're Still Going Huh?: Move a total of 420 spaces
Most of the Way There
Adjustment pixel Most of the Way There: Move a total of 525 spaces
I Hope You're Using Auto Draw Feature
Adjustment pixel I Hope You're Using Auto Draw Feature: Move a total of 600 spaces
Please Don't Mash Me Like a Jar of an Egg-Based Delicacy
Adjustment pixel Please Don't Mash Me Like a Jar of an Egg-Based Delicacy: Move a total of 700 spaces
Welp, I'm Glad That's Over With
Adjustment pixel Welp, I'm Glad That's Over With: Move a total of 777 spaces.
34 players