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Bibi & Tina - Adventures with Horses PS4

Bibi & Tina - Adventures with Horses

Explore the beautiful surroundings of Martinshof riding over hedge and ditch with Bibi or Tina. Keep on training with your horse to improve your riding skills. Master countless challenges and show your skills and what you're made of in the final decisive race through the corn labyrinth
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  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon

Developer: Independent Arts Software
Publisher: Familyplay
  • 12 Trophy bronze icon
  • 9 Trophy silver icon
  • 6 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
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Friends for life
Adjustment pixel Friends for life: Collect all trophies!
Practice lap
Adjustment pixel Practice lap: Complete the practice lap.
The Old Oak
Adjustment pixel The Old Oak: Complete the mission "Gallop to the Old Oak".
Castle Falkenstein
Adjustment pixel Castle Falkenstein: Complete the mission "Get to the castle as quickly as you can".
Over hill and dale
Adjustment pixel Over hill and dale: Complete the mission "Over hill and dale".
Ride to Martinshof
Adjustment pixel Ride to Martinshof: Complete the mission "Ride to Martinshof".
Adjustment pixel Steeplechase: Complete the mission "Steeplechase".
Gallop to the castle
Adjustment pixel Gallop to the castle: Complete the mission "Gallop to the castle".
Crabman's stud farm
Adjustment pixel Crabman's stud farm: Complete the mission "Race to Crabman's stud farm".
Ride out to the castle
Adjustment pixel Ride out to the castle: Complete the mission "Ride out to the castle".
Rotenburg ruins
Adjustment pixel Rotenburg ruins: Complete the mission "Horse race to the ruins".
Through woods and meadows
Adjustment pixel Through woods and meadows: Complete the mission "Through woods and meadows".
Ride out to the quarry
Adjustment pixel Ride out to the quarry: Complete the mission "Ride out to the quarry".
Cross country through the fields
Adjustment pixel Cross country through the fields: Complete the mission "Cross country through the fields".
The old mill
Adjustment pixel The old mill: Complete the mission "To the old mill as quickly as you can".
Adjustment pixel Downriver: Complete the mission "Downriver".
Adjustment pixel Cross-country: Complete the mission "Cross-country against Sophia".
Falkenstein lap
Adjustment pixel Falkenstein lap: Complete the mission "Falkenstein lap".
Off to the Falkenstein race
Adjustment pixel Off to the Falkenstein race: Complete the mission "Off to the Falkenstein race".
The Falkenstein race
Adjustment pixel The Falkenstein race: Win the Falkenstein race.
On the right path
Adjustment pixel On the right path: Win the Falkenstein race ten times.
Tender loving care
Adjustment pixel Tender loving care: Groom a horse.
Hoof care
Adjustment pixel Hoof care: Clean a horse's hooves.
Enjoy your meal
Adjustment pixel Enjoy your meal: Feed a horse.
Fast rider
Adjustment pixel Fast rider: Complete 6 missions in under a minute each.
Bibi fan
Adjustment pixel Bibi fan: Ride out with Bibi ten times.
Tina fan
Adjustment pixel Tina fan: Ride out with Tina ten times.
Adjustment pixel Collector: Collect all collectibles.
12 players