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Aztez PS4


In Aztez for PS4, you are responsible for expanding and maintaining the Aztec empire with turn-based strategy gameplay, and managing violent outbreaks with real-time beat 'em up gameplay segments. But your actions in one gameplay type directly affect the other! A game of Aztez doesn't take to long to play, but it is designed to be hugely replayable, as every game of exciting empire management is different from the last; different events will occur, different challenges will emerge, and different spoils will be taken every time you play. Inspired by the timeless surprise gameplay of Weird Worlds: Return To Infinite Space and the deeply and expressive action gameplay of Bayonetta, Aztez is like no other game you've ever played.
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon
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Developer: Team Colorblind
Publisher: Team Colorblind
No trophylist available for this game.
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