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Another Crab\'s Treasure PS5

Another Crab's Treasure

In a vibrant undersea kingdom on the verge of collapse, a hermit crab embarks on a treasure hunt to buy back his repossessed shell.
  • US April 25, 2024
  • EU April 25, 2024
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 5 icon

Developer: Aggro Crab
Publisher: Aggro Crab
  • 20 Trophy bronze icon
  • 6 Trophy silver icon
  • 6 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Sign up or sign in to track these trophies and more.
Fully Carcinized
Adjustment pixel Fully Carcinized: Obtain all trophies!
Captain of the Guard
Adjustment pixel Captain of the Guard: Defeated Nephro.
Polluted Platoon Pathfinder
Adjustment pixel Polluted Platoon Pathfinder: Defeated the Polluted Platoon Pathfinder.
Tyrant of Slacktide
Adjustment pixel Tyrant of Slacktide: Defeated The Duchess.
Royal Shellsplitter
Adjustment pixel Royal Shellsplitter: Defeated the Royal Shellsplitter.
Curdled Carbonara Connoisseur
Adjustment pixel Curdled Carbonara Connoisseur: Defeated the Curdled Carbonara Connoisseur.
Intimidation Crab
Adjustment pixel Intimidation Crab: Defeated Heikea.
Adjustment pixel Grovekeeper: Defeated Topoda.
Ceviche Sisters
Adjustment pixel Ceviche Sisters: Defeated the Ceviche Sisters.
Scuttling Sludge Steamroller
Adjustment pixel Scuttling Sludge Steamroller: Defeated the Scuttling Sludge Steamroller.
The Consortium
Adjustment pixel The Consortium: Defeated The Consortium.
Diseased Lichenthrope
Adjustment pixel Diseased Lichenthrope: Defeated the Diseased Lichenthrope.
The Ravenous
Adjustment pixel The Ravenous: Defeated Pagurus.
The Accumulator
Adjustment pixel The Accumulator: Defeated Voltai.
Venture Crabitalist
Adjustment pixel Venture Crabitalist: Defeated Roland.
The False Moon
Adjustment pixel The False Moon: Defeated Petroch.
Crab Hunter
Adjustment pixel Crab Hunter: Defeated Inkerton.
The Bleached King
Adjustment pixel The Bleached King: Defeated Camtscha.
Camtscha, Reborn
Adjustment pixel Camtscha, Reborn: Defeated Camtscha (For real.)
The Ocean's Agony
Adjustment pixel The Ocean's Agony: Defeated Praya Dubia.
Avatar of Waste
Adjustment pixel Avatar of Waste: Defeated Firth.
Finishing What I Started
Adjustment pixel Finishing What I Started: Get your shell back.
Way of the Predator
Adjustment pixel Way of the Predator: Completed the Way of the Predator.
Way of the True Crab
Adjustment pixel Way of the True Crab: Completed the Way of the True Crab.
Way of the Hermit
Adjustment pixel Way of the Hermit: Completed the Way of the Hermit.
The Hunt Begins!
Adjustment pixel The Hunt Begins!: Begin the treasure hunt.
Make it Shine
Adjustment pixel Make it Shine: Upgrade your fork to its full potential.
In Good Claws
Adjustment pixel In Good Claws: Buy some shell insurance.
You Fell Off
Adjustment pixel You Fell Off: Fall to your death for the first time.
Adjustment pixel Shellslike: Find a certain hero's helmet.
This Kills The Crab
Adjustment pixel This Kills The Crab: Shoot a crab with a gun.
Shell Seeker
Adjustment pixel Shell Seeker: Try on every shell in the game.
Adjustment pixel Well-Adapted: Learn all Adaptations.
10 players