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Alien Rogue Incursion PS5

Alien Rogue Incursion

This brand-new single-player, action-horror VR game features an original story that fully surrounds players within the terrors of the Alien universe.
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Platform: PlayStation 5 icon

Developer: Survios
Publisher: Survios
  • 18 Trophy bronze icon
  • 12 Trophy silver icon
  • 4 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
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Defiant Till the End
Adjustment pixel Defiant Till the End: Unlock all other Part I Trophies.
One Small Step…
Adjustment pixel One Small Step…: Reach Purdan.
That Makes You an Employee
Adjustment pixel That Makes You an Employee: Key your Biometrics to the PDT Keycard.
Game Over, Man
Adjustment pixel Game Over, Man: Lose a fight in the Mess Hall.
For Close Encounters
Adjustment pixel For Close Encounters: Recover the Riot Shotgun.
Android On Board
Adjustment pixel Android On Board: Transfer Davis into the Data Pad.
Personal Friend of Yours
Adjustment pixel Personal Friend of Yours: Recover your Pulse Rifle.
Bodies Across the Void
Adjustment pixel Bodies Across the Void: Find a way across the skybridge.
Crew Not Expendable
Adjustment pixel Crew Not Expendable: Attempt to destroy the MD-8.
Good with the Bad
Adjustment pixel Good with the Bad: Clear the infestation in the Medical Wing.
Express Elevator to Hell
Adjustment pixel Express Elevator to Hell: Finish Part I.
We Own This
Adjustment pixel We Own This: Finish Part I on Insane Difficulty.
Perfect Organism
Adjustment pixel Perfect Organism: Kill 6 facehuggers while cocooned in the nest.
No Mercy
Adjustment pixel No Mercy: Get 30 kills with the Pulse Rifle. (30)
No Weakness
Adjustment pixel No Weakness: Get 30 kills with the Riot Shotgun. (30)
No Hesitation
Adjustment pixel No Hesitation: Get 30 kills with the Revolver. (30)
Duty Remains
Adjustment pixel Duty Remains: Kill 10 Xenomorphs after Davis is downed in Mess Hall.
Amanda’s Adherent
Adjustment pixel Amanda’s Adherent: Correctly rewire 30 junction boxes. (30)
Initiate Docking Procedure
Adjustment pixel Initiate Docking Procedure: Dock the Datapad by throwing it into the air and shooting it onto a Terminal.
Payload Exposed
Adjustment pixel Payload Exposed: Use the Pulse Rifle to trigger a controlled explosion.
A Bit Twitchy
Adjustment pixel A Bit Twitchy: In Part I, throw a gun in the air and catch it seconds before killing an enemy.
Just For a Percentage
Adjustment pixel Just For a Percentage: Find every piece of Intel. (21)
Unworthy of Creation
Adjustment pixel Unworthy of Creation: Shoot Davis.
The Claustrophobic Astronaut
Adjustment pixel The Claustrophobic Astronaut: Get attacked by the same facehugger after prying it off.
Model Employee
Adjustment pixel Model Employee: Read every email in Part I. (110)
Worth Millions
Adjustment pixel Worth Millions: Hold a dead facehugger for 2 minutes.
Sleep When You Die
Adjustment pixel Sleep When You Die: Kill an enemy with your last bullet.
Eat This!
Adjustment pixel Eat This!: Kill a Xenomorph as it attempts to execute you.
Every Formation a Parade
Adjustment pixel Every Formation a Parade: Kill 3 separate enemies with the Pulse Rifle, Riot Shotgun, and the Revolver within 5 seconds.
Perfectly Executed
Adjustment pixel Perfectly Executed: In Part I, damage an enemy with one gun and kill it with another.
Open The Door!
Adjustment pixel Open The Door!: Trap Xenomorphs in a Panic Room and kill them 5 times. (5)
Becoming Hysterical
Adjustment pixel Becoming Hysterical: Attack a Xenomorph with the Hand Torch.
Adios, Muchachos
Adjustment pixel Adios, Muchachos: Kill 2 Xenomorphs at once by detonating an exploding Barrel or Pipe.
Prometheus Strain
Adjustment pixel Prometheus Strain: Heal yourself by injecting an X-stim into your head.
An Interesting Affectation
Adjustment pixel An Interesting Affectation: Kill a Xenomorph while wearing a hat.
3 players